Sun Hut in Montana

After three rounds of growing under flourescents myself, my buddy and I decided to pool our resources and get growing. My first two rounds were from old chronic bag seed, and they turned out nicely, though the seeds had a low germination rate. My guess is that they are mostly Indica, probably some form of Kush or another. The second time around I cross pollinated the plants and ended up with a ton of viable seeds. During the 3rd grow I used Advanced Nutrients, which did seem to increase the lateral growth and sweetened/fattened the buds up a little.

This time we started 12 seeds, and planted the strongest nine. Seven were in 8" pots, and two were in 6" pots. We started the seedlings in my old 4x2' homemade box, under two banks of flourescents. We decided to use Advanced Nutrients' organic products, plus the amazing little plant elixir known as SUPERthrive. If there's one product I'd recommend, it is SUPERthrive. Even starting under the flourescents, the plants grew twice as fast as my previous rounds, and the only thing different was the SUPERthrive. After a couple weeks, we took out two weak plants, leaving seven. I will post some pics of them at 12 days old below.

When the plants were about 3 weeks old, the plants were close to a foot tall, and we transplanted them to 5 gal smart pots, and moved them to our new 4x4' Sun Hut with a 400w MH. They really took off thanks to the new light, and it seemed like they just exploded. We topped all the plants, attempting to FIM them all. However, the only one that was successfully FIMMED was a male. Luckily, five out of the seven turned out to be females. Around this time, we got some Sativa clones, which we started in the Sun Hut, a little further away from the intense light.

At 38 days, we switched the Sun Hut to a 12/12 cycle, and moved the clones under the flourescents again. Last time I did a period of 24 hours of darkness to induce flowering a little faster, and I think it worked. It took slightly longer, about 2 weeks, for them to kick into flowering this time. We had to bend the tops of our tallest girl in order to conserve space. Now, we are a little over 3 weeks into flowering, and the girls are budding nicely, and they're really starting to pack on some crystals. We're not sure how much yield to expect yet, as we haven't seen a proper HID grow, but it's looking pretty promising. I will be adding pics and updates fairly regularly, and any comments/suggestions are greatly appreciated.
This is about 2 weeks into the 12/12. We are definitely going to flower sooner next time, or do more bending. That's the tallest plant, at about 4 1/2'.

Here are some of our Sativa clones. We've had them for about a month, growing under the flourescents. They started out pretty slow but have really taken off the last two weeks. They're between 8 and 10 inches tall, and without even topping them some have 3-4 level tops at the, umm, top. :cool:


These are the flowering plants 25 days into the 12/12 cycle. Had some problems with leaf curling on some plants for about a week. Flushed them and watered with 1/2 strength nutrients. The plants are still receiving the AN plus Superthrive. The only difference is that three are getting Bud Candy as a sweetener, and two are getting Humboldt Honey, and we'll see which plants turn out tastier.

This first one shows some of the leaf curl. It's slowly been improving.

Notice the trichomes already appearing on these next two. Beats the heck out of what my flourescents did, even though they had a decent amount by the end.

This is the one we tied down to try to conserve some height. Bending definitely affects the growth a lot less than topping.

Another bud shot.

Well, that's all for now. How are they looking?