Sunni, will you let this thread stay live?

Charles U Farley

Well-Known Member
I'm going to put the first three posts that I did on RIU on my sig tag. The third post you may find problematic, as it may encourage a Troll fest and I don't want that anymore than you do. I know thread deletion happens here occasionally, so I don't want to go to the trouble of making the sig tag look nice and formatting it if you're just gonna shit-can the third thread. Here is the thread I'm concerned about:

I know you have no earthly idea who I am but what I'm getting ready to say has _never_ come out of my keyboard before:

If you think something needs to be edited out, go ahead and do it. :o

i dont really understand what youre asking me you want to put someof the thread in your signature? go ahead? if it goes against the rules it gets removed, will your thread get deleted?
I dont know that depends on how the thread goes, i see no reason for deletion currently. but i cant say it wont ever get deleted. also im not the only mod so you are asking one specific mod but there are others

i dont know if that is even helpful sorry
As long as you or the other mods don't have a problem with what I've already written, everything should be fine, as I won't post in that thread again.

I know Subcool and BOG are quite popular on RIU and I didn't want to chum the trolls. I will not respond in the thread again, so there shouldn't be a problem.

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