SunPulse 6.4k vs. Digilux MH for Veg

Hi everyone,
Just ordered my Lumatek 600W Dimmable. Will be running in a GL120 with a blockbuster hood. I'll fill in all the setup details in a journal I hope to be starting VERY soon!!

Trying to decide on a MH for Veg,
torn between the Digilux or a 6.4k SunPulse.

Any experience with these bulbs for veg.?
Which bulb would you go for, or something else entirely???


Active Member
People like to use MH for vegging and HPS for flowering. Some like to use cfl's/envirolite. I personally just use dual spectrum bulb's (250 watt for the first 2 weeks then 600 watt there on) I have never had any issues light related

I think if there is enough luminems then whatever light you choose to use should be fine.