Sun's first grow: Northern Widow Project

Day1: Lost the seeds! spent about an hour tearing the house apart looking for them... The world is telling me something. I thought it was that I shouldn't grow, then I realized:

It's the cats.

so these little badboys (the seeds, not the cats) are going in a locked room.

germination time! using a napkin (outta paper towel) and a bowl/plate combo, I'm gunna just leave them at room temperature, and BE PATIENT for once.

Here goes everytinnnnng!

Edit: dropped 1 seed, spent another half an hour looking for it. thank someone I found it, cause I was seconds away from giving up hope. all 4 seeds are germinating at 1:54 pm. Oto-isha is getting the last seed, cause he's done this before. :P
day3: Germinated! one of the seeds musta sprouted overnight, which is great, cause my hippie downstairs neighbor said tonight's a full moon.:D so I put the 1/4 inch sprouted seedling into a mix of 1/3 sheep manure (05.-0.5-0.5) [< whatever the hell that means... I still gotta learn] and some potting soil that I didn't catch the name of, but I'll edit that in later. I did, however, notice that it had a peat moss base, and there was some white pebbles that I'll assume was vermiculite or pearlite (I've never seen either in person before, only read) moistened it with stale water from my h2o bag (which was tap water i put in there last week) NOTE TO SELF: get aquarium bubbler, will work great for airrating the water I plan on feeding the babies with. also: desk lamp with flourcents. neeeeeds to happen. 1 germinated, 3 to go! so I'll set the bowl/dish back down on the laptop, and out to the barbeque I go! here's hoping!
I checked on my germ-pod last night, but I was too crunk to do anything about the 1/4' sprout that came from the second seed, so I left it. aaaaand it was a full inch long today. everything in my garden grew so much last night! inside and out. so, I'm learning from yesterday's mistakes (talked to hippie neighborlady, she says that someone told her too much manure burns fresh seedlings? anyone is free to advise me on this- pm me pleasseee) and using only the potting soil with the peat moss base again...

I still need a PH pen.. maybe that's on todays' list. so it's planted, 1/4 inch deep this time, I got too excited about puting the first one in, it's reaally in there.

2 seeds to go! I need to learn about nutes... fast.
so I got some lights set up! stupid petshop people sold me an incandecant fish bulb when I asked them for a full spectrum lizard light... what if that was a pet's wellbeing on the line? whatever, I went with CFL anyways, so I'm rocking a 2700k (the twirly david suzuki bulbs) at (24/0) on the soil till something happens.

The manure plant is gunna be in touble, the soil is still moist.. and speaking of moist, 2 of the seeds won't germinate.. I'm thinking of taking them back and complaining/asking for new ones. pics of the light setup as soon as I find my camera.
So! I'm now the proud new owner of a baby sprout. of the 2 seeds I had little hope for, one finally germinated, and if the last one doesn't, I'm taking it back. but the 3rd seed is in! hippie neighbor premixed some planting soil for me, so I grabbed that, added the surface's worth of vermiculite onto the top, added a bit more potting soil in for good measure, and planted/watered. I'm nervous about how often I should water, but will do more research later.

I bought 2 CFL bulbs today, put 'em in my ajustable lamp, and boy is there a difference between 3600k and 2700k. I'm glad I swapped, and I look forward to seeing the 16/8 light schedule work on my inch high warrior. I'm gunna check other journals to see how they're done today too. to recap:

1 plant sprouted
2 seeds germinated and planted
1 3600k CFL bulb (800 lumens) on a
16/8 schedule for the sprout and a
24/0 schedule for the seedlings.

got some 3 say old tap water that I can't wait to put some nutes in.. the plant's leaves are so green:)

I'mma take some cellphone pics right now, actually:D

Edit: I flushed the most recently planted seed right out of the soil with that last pour... gotta take my time with that noise. hopefully it regrows.. it's been sitting an inch away from the light with nothing to protect it, poor thing.

Edit edit: the second seedling is about ready to sprout out of the ground! I wonder if it'll be ready to jump on the first one's light cycle seamlessly. pics every monday?


I reeeeeally hope light schedule fuckups don't shock the plant, cause I've deviated so many times recently, and they've been in darkness for almost 16 hours now. I need a granny light timer. Bad.

on a seperate note, they're doing okay, and there's not much left to do but watch the grass grow. and figure out nute/micronute uhhh... levels? I'm distracted. i need to know about it though. 2 plants are 2 inches tall, one germinated seed (the one that got flushed out) isn't moving.. I'm gunna transplant it to regular soil tomorrow if I can help it, and the last one is just.. too thick a shell I guess. my 5th seed is just sitting in the container, waiting for it's owner to come pick it up from me. luckily he's planning on staying indoors. here's to hoping!