Sunset-sunrise starts flowering 12/12 or sooner????


Well-Known Member

just a quick question, does flowering start when the sun rises and sets 12 hours apart or does does it start when the sun is up for 13 or 14 hours.

just because when the sun sets light levels are relatively low. so when does the magic begin?

any input would be great.



just a quick question, does flowering start when the sun rises and sets 12 hours apart or does does it start when the sun is up for 13 or 14 hours.

just because when the sun sets light levels are relatively low. so when does the magic begin?

any input would be great.
MJ has an internal clock after the equinox on or around the 21st of June each year the days starts getting shorter, the plants sense this decease in daylight hours and flower sets in usually 4 to 6 weeks after this happens. Some strains sooner some strains earlier. So it doesn't really matter the hours as just the diminishing hours of daylight. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
so you are saying that mj responds the rate of change of daylight to night. not to the hours of light it recieves.... thats very interesting. i always thought that pot flowered at 12/12 so that localized plants would ensure reproduction in the same time period. but 12/12 interms of sunrise doesnt happen untill mid september here. and harvest is normaly oct1-15 round here.

So i wasent sure if there was a certain number of daylight hours that induced flowering... for example 1 hour of surise(low light), 12 hours heavy light, and 1 hour sunset. and the plant just had a general feeling for it.

anyways aug 6 today, so that is 6 weeks from jun 21. thanks for the input.

does that mean that harvest in alaska is also late september?/ october????


so you are saying that mj responds the rate of change of daylight to night. not to the hours of light it recieves.... thats very interesting. i always thought that pot flowered at 12/12 so that localized plants would ensure reproduction in the same time period. but 12/12 interms of sunrise doesnt happen untill mid september here. and harvest is normaly oct1-15 round here.

So i wasent sure if there was a certain number of daylight hours that induced flowering... for example 1 hour of surise(low light), 12 hours heavy light, and 1 hour sunset. and the plant just had a general feeling for it.

anyways aug 6 today, so that is 6 weeks from jun 21. thanks for the input.

does that mean that harvest in alaska is also late september?/ october????
I a short answer more or less correct. Right now I live in Costa Rica for the last 3 years and I can start a plant at the end of Dec, when the days start getting longer and it will not flower until July or early August. The difference in the daylight period here is only 15 minutes, the plants just know when the time of daylight hours change. We have 12 1/2 hours more or less 12 months out of the year. I know that many people will disagree with this observation, mostly the people that grow indoors. Those of us that have grown outdoors for many years know that there is not a way to fool the sun with a straight outdoor grow. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
MJ grown outdoors differs alittle from indoors. Yes, when you switch lighting to 12/12 indoors, the flowering process is almost automatic. But when youre growing outside, the plants are alittle lazier. My Cheese is just (stressing just...noticed today) starting to flower, and sunset is at 8:20-8:40ish and sunrise is about 6:00am.
Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
thats sick about costa rica, always thought you could have perpetual harvest near the equator. what about on the equator, what happens there?


thats sick about costa rica, always thought you could have perpetual harvest near the equator. what about on the equator, what happens there?
Thats a really good question and I do not have an answer to that but sativas which is mostly what is grown are curious plants, guess they have their own timetable. Right now I have 3 new seeds going under lights just cfls because true grow lights are something you have to have shipped in here and just don't have the cash this month for it. I will veg for 6 to 8 weeks and set them outside to let them flower in the sun.


Well-Known Member
MJ has an internal clock after the equinox on or around the 21st of June each year the days starts getting shorter, the plants sense this decease in daylight hours and flower sets in usually 4 to 6 weeks after this happens. Some strains sooner some strains earlier. So it doesn't really matter the hours as just the diminishing hours of daylight. Hope this helps.
WTF are you talking about? flowering is triggered by a buildup of hormones within the plant, hormones that are only released in darkness. it take 12 hours of darkness for those hormones reach the appropriate levels for flowering to start. it has nothing to do with increasing or decreasing. why do we just flip to 12/12 indoors if flowering sets in 4-6 wks after the days begin to shorten:roll:


WTF are you talking about? flowering is triggered by a buildup of hormones within the plant, hormones that are only released in darkness. it take 12 hours of darkness for those hormones reach the appropriate levels for flowering to start. it has nothing to do with increasing or decreasing. why do we just flip to 12/12 indoors if flowering sets in 4-6 wks after the days begin to shorten:roll:
your wrong.......and your choice of words leave much to be desired. First here they flower nicely here with less darkness........don't know a thing about growing indoors but been growing outdoors for 40 years.


WTF are you talking about? flowering is triggered by a buildup of hormones within the plant, hormones that are only released in darkness. it take 12 hours of darkness for those hormones reach the appropriate levels for flowering to start. it has nothing to do with increasing or decreasing. why do we just flip to 12/12 indoors if flowering sets in 4-6 wks after the days begin to shorten:roll:

settle down you are not correct at all. Not even close