Sunshine Mix #4 For Flowering or Vegative?


Well-Known Member
Hello! im new to this forum. and yes, growing. ive tried asking this question several times. and i dont think ive asked it the right way. so ill try again. i am using Sunshine Mix #4. im in week 6 of veg. at about week 3 i started to notice the leafs on the bottom were starting to turn on me. they went to a rust color, then yellow, then dried up and eventually fell off or i pulled off. at first i thought it i had it under control. i went to the hydro shop and was referred Botanicare's line of nuets. i picked up PBP, Liquid karma and Cal/Mag. i started using it at about 60% strength and i did not notice anything. i waited til next watering/feeding and did the same thing. nothing again. i have checked the ph every time and according to the drops i was at 6.0. liquid turned yellow. yellow on the chart says 6.0 ph. so i thought i was all good. i did this again and to no avail. so i thought maybe i needed to up to ml. i upped it to 5ml of each. nothing again. by now i was in week 5 (1 weeks ago). i tried that again, and i thought that maybe i was noticing an improvement, but i wasn't. same routine until this last week. ive lost a lot of leaf in these past few weeks. but growth has not slowed down on top. im now in week 6. supposedly 1 more week til flowering. i have no clue what to do at this point. here are some pics. i keep the lights on at 24hrs. the climate is between 77-81, the humidity is roughly 45%-50%. the Sunshine Mix is all i have used since they have popped. im wondering if i should continue using it. its got me this far, plants aren't dead, but i know they need help. im also worried about salt build up since all the nuets i was feeding it got locked out. the leafs start out nice and robust, then slowly turn a rust color, then yellow, then dry up and fall off.

here are some pics. anymore info needed about my situation, just tell me what you need to know and ill post it up.



Well-Known Member
You are just underfeeding, just up your veg food. What food are you using for veg? Don't worry too much about the other stuff till you start flowering. You shouldn't need any calmag unless your using RO water. They yellowing that your seeing isn't a magnesium def but rather a N def. Simple fix is too feed more food. Promix has NO nutrients in it whatsoever so when using it and underfeeding you will see signs of defs rather quickly. Little tip for flowering in promix, Keep veg food going at around full strength 2-3 weeks into flowering. If you start a bloomer right at light change then your gonna run into yellowing around the 3rd to 4th week of flowering. Good luck dude and plants lookin good and no worries those ladies are just a little underfed


Well-Known Member
im using Pro Blend Pro (hydro)....Botanicare.

i see. im getting my ph meter tomorrow. thats another thing that is hurting me right now. im using them drops. and they SUCK! plus im hella colorblind and well, fMl!! ill up the dose. like, i suppose ill double it. seems like a lot of neuts though, i was afraid of over doing it. i shall double my dose at the next feeding to 10ml. i have 1 week til flowering. i hope they perk up before the change. thank you for the advise. i think that should work.

say.... what if its nuet lock-out? and the nuets im using just aint working because of the ph?
Hi guys. I'm a newby growing outdoors in the uk. I'm currently using the bio bizz nutes which seem to be working well but can anyone recommend something to help with bud size. I'm getting good yield but I'd like bigger buds. Anyone please... Thanks
Feed them only water for the next couple of waterings. By then you should be ready for flowering. Ease into the flowering nutes start about 1/4 of what the bottle reads. You plants look pretty healthy besides the few yellow leaves.

Peace out

Hello! im new to this forum. and yes, growing. ive tried asking this question several times. and i dont think ive asked it the right way. so ill try again. i am using Sunshine Mix #4. im in week 6 of veg. at about week 3 i started to notice the leafs on the bottom were starting to turn on me. they went to a rust color, then yellow, then dried up and eventually fell off or i pulled off. at first i thought it i had it under control. i went to the hydro shop and was referred Botanicare's line of nuets. i picked up PBP, Liquid karma and Cal/Mag. i started using it at about 60% strength and i did not notice anything. i waited til next watering/feeding and did the same thing. nothing again. i have checked the ph every time and according to the drops i was at 6.0. liquid turned yellow. yellow on the chart says 6.0 ph. so i thought i was all good. i did this again and to no avail. so i thought maybe i needed to up to ml. i upped it to 5ml of each. nothing again. by now i was in week 5 (1 weeks ago). i tried that again, and i thought that maybe i was noticing an improvement, but i wasn't. same routine until this last week. ive lost a lot of leaf in these past few weeks. but growth has not slowed down on top. im now in week 6. supposedly 1 more week til flowering. i have no clue what to do at this point. here are some pics. i keep the lights on at 24hrs. the climate is between 77-81, the humidity is roughly 45%-50%. the Sunshine Mix is all i have used since they have popped. im wondering if i should continue using it. its got me this far, plants aren't dead, but i know they need help. im also worried about salt build up since all the nuets i was feeding it got locked out. the leafs start out nice and robust, then slowly turn a rust color, then yellow, then dry up and fall off.

here are some pics. anymore info needed about my situation, just tell me what you need to know and ill post it up.
Nevermind my last post I didn't realize promix had not nutes as max mentions. Usually when I see yellow leaves I think over fertilizing.

Peace out & good luck!

You are just underfeeding, just up your veg food. What food are you using for veg? Don't worry too much about the other stuff till you start flowering. You shouldn't need any calmag unless your using RO water. They yellowing that your seeing isn't a magnesium def but rather a N def. Simple fix is too feed more food. Promix has NO nutrients in it whatsoever so when using it and underfeeding you will see signs of defs rather quickly. Little tip for flowering in promix, Keep veg food going at around full strength 2-3 weeks into flowering. If you start a bloomer right at light change then your gonna run into yellowing around the 3rd to 4th week of flowering. Good luck dude and plants lookin good and no worries those ladies are just a little underfed


Well-Known Member
im using Pro Blend Pro (hydro)....Botanicare.

i see. im getting my ph meter tomorrow. thats another thing that is hurting me right now. im using them drops. and they SUCK! plus im hella colorblind and well, fMl!! ill up the dose. like, i suppose ill double it. seems like a lot of neuts though, i was afraid of over doing it. i shall double my dose at the next feeding to 10ml. i have 1 week til flowering. i hope they perk up before the change. thank you for the advise. i think that should work.

say.... what if its nuet lock-out? and the nuets im using just aint working because of the ph?
Why not get some dolomite lime to add to that mix and you won't even need a pH meter?

Seriously, I haven't even taken my meter out in months.



Well-Known Member
ok!! i will pick some up today. is all Dolomite Lime the same? still need a meter though. it would be a very handy tool. money is an object, but at the same time its no object if it will last me a long time and help me with other projects. this is something ive been wanting to do since i was 15. last grow was at 17, and well...i turn 33 in Jan. i would like to the best of the best, if it saves me time and headaches. i will also use the Dolomite Lime. i want every thing on hand encase of emergencies, like im having now. i have read some books over the years, read HT and CC since 15. so i have a little knowledge on the basics. and i plan on taking a class at the hydro shop i go to (if its cheap). i appreciate ALL knowledge anybody can share with me. thank you very much WETDOG.

i have also been told, i might be under fertilizing. (wait, that was here, duh, lol!!) how much should i increase? i have heard of someone using up to 40ml of BC in 1gal of water. that seems like a shit ton?! should i increase it to 15ml and see what happens? (when using nuets, im a little new...)... should i mix all three at 4x strength, in the same jug?

also, i have heard several ways to mix my nuets. which is the best method? throw nuets in gal jug with inch off the top poured out. shaken well in between each supplement. thats how i been mixing them now. is that the correct way? i was throwing all the nuets in an empty jug then pouring the water into the jug and shaking hard.

i appreciate the help


Well-Known Member
Why not get some dolomite lime to add to that mix and you won't even need a pH meter?

Seriously, I haven't even taken my meter out in months.

Yes Sir, dolomite user in the flesh, I can use R/O and Distilled water without having to add cal/mag ever. and I never check soil pH.

Max, I finally agree with you those plants need to eat!!


Well-Known Member
If you are growing organic don't use hydrated lime in your soilmix, I use Espoma Garden Lime or Gypsum {which keeps the pH of the soil no higher than 7. Dolomite lime in the powdered form acts faster than the pelletized if you can get it.


Active Member
ok!! i will pick some up today. is all Dolomite Lime the same? still need a meter though. it would be a very handy tool. money is an object, but at the same time its no object if it will last me a long time and help me with other projects. this is something ive been wanting to do since i was 15. last grow was at 17, and well...i turn 33 in Jan. i would like to the best of the best, if it saves me time and headaches. i will also use the Dolomite Lime. i want every thing on hand encase of emergencies, like im having now. i have read some books over the years, read HT and CC since 15. so i have a little knowledge on the basics. and i plan on taking a class at the hydro shop i go to (if its cheap). i appreciate ALL knowledge anybody can share with me. thank you very much WETDOG.

i have also been told, i might be under fertilizing. (wait, that was here, duh, lol!!) how much should i increase? i have heard of someone using up to 40ml of BC in 1gal of water. that seems like a shit ton?! should i increase it to 15ml and see what happens? (when using nuets, im a little new...)... should i mix all three at 4x strength, in the same jug?

also, i have heard several ways to mix my nuets. which is the best method? throw nuets in gal jug with inch off the top poured out. shaken well in between each supplement. thats how i been mixing them now. is that the correct way? i was throwing all the nuets in an empty jug then pouring the water into the jug and shaking hard.

i appreciate the help
You're supposed to add the nutes to the water, not the other way around.


Active Member
woudl you have to check your nute ph if you add lime? and i have gypsum but isnt that mag and sulfer or something, and regards to either and phing your food mixes..and guy using promix..ive used it a few times.ive had good results but constantly having to feed the plant.same thing happened to me...and in the end it looked more of a more leaf to bud ratio.


Well-Known Member
Pro-mix is a basic plain ole soilmix that needs nutes added whether they're organic or synthetic liquids or dry amendments, hungry plants won't produce.

You don't have to worry bout the nute pH with lime, it just keeps the soil pH balanced out. and gypsum has a lot of calcium too


Active Member
good look on the not having to always check the ph or added legit like 3.0 watering threw mixes that have recomended added amount of lime? and by adding both lime and G wouldnt that be to much calc and or mag


Active Member
sorry to intruded with mumbo jumjbo. but a 90+ degree day full sun or partial sun 76 degree inside with no co2 barely anyone in or out of the room and air circulation. which is better for growth


Well-Known Member
soil ph? versus checking the nute ph? aren't i supposed to check the nute ph after mixing? i think i may be a little confused on the soil vs. hydro.

my nute ph is haywire. im trying to get that under control so i quit getting nute lock-out. its really odd. my plants look really good on the top and the middle. i need to quit loosing so much leaf. its starting to catch up.


Well-Known Member
Not all dolomite is the same. I *almost* bought a 100lb bag of hydrated dolomite lime, till I really looked at the label. Never saw hydrated dolo before. $9.95 at Tractor Supply.

It should say dolomitic limestone on the label and that's all. Crushed, ground, pulverized, powdered, granulated is ok, just not hydrated.
