Sunshine. The other White Light


Well-Known Member
I am very happy with what a pair of Sun Tunnels did for my Kitchen lighting. Been thinking about how to bring that into the grow space. But, it is not the best way to bring in sunlight. It is vertical, have to cut the roof, and is a large spot of light, only.

Yet, every couple of years the tech advances and becomes available. Here is something new. This is a horizontal mirror duct, that could be quite useful as a supplement. I wonder how the UVB stands up to being mirrored around? But, if it does, this could be a "free" source on top of extra Flux watts.

It was invented in Japan. So? I see a lot of things "invented." But, now I see 3M is hiring a full crew, from VP of sales on down to exploit this patent. So, I think...It must be good enough.

Novel way to light a basement, the Toyota Mfg. Lunchroom.

I am thinking more like this. Just run it along the ceiling.
