Sup guys first grow got a defoliation question

Any pics of “your” commercial grow actually flowering? Every pic I’ve seen so far is some clones or small veg plants. (That look barely alive) A master of your level been here longer than all of us. Surely you have something?

He will post some in a wife beater with his hall pass strapped around his neck, just like any visitor to a facility gets.
Question …. You mentioned a freebie light ( mars I think ) is that part of “commercial “ grow ?

And why run clones and new germ starts for an obvious unfinished room ?
looks like entire trays were left outside to fend for themselves.

I would think any “boss “ of a commercial grow would shitcan anything growing algae or “ unclean “ plants.
This is the single most pointless 'discussion' ever. Everyone is so hyped that they're being dissed and/or trolled that that's all anyone is doing.

Why bother to try to talk at all if no one is willing to either listen or provide meaningful information that might help anyone do anything. It all ends up just being dick swinging ego games.
How is it all the master commercial growers can spend 14 hours a day logged into a weed forum always?

that’s a question I have a lot on this site.

I’ll be honest, I hit this thread to figure out what “defoliation” really was in terms of helping me understand these plants & how to grow them better but this thread has taken a different, more informative path- on algae?

This is the single most pointless 'discussion' ever. Everyone is so hyped that they're being dissed and/or trolled that that's all anyone is doing.

Why bother to try to talk at all if no one is willing to either listen or provide meaningful information that might help anyone do anything. It all ends up just being dick swinging ego games.
I'm not sure what you are referring to. I asked @Samwell Seed Well a direct question regarding the topic if this thread. He refused to answer and would rather deflect. I'm ready to waiting and listening for his response.
Yeah medical facilities don’t require tyvek suits, hairnets and stuff like that at all.

Flip flops and wife beaters for everyone
Lol, I can do whatever I want, the state makes the rules...theirs no rules.for.dress code. Guess WA isn't as fascist as Co. Everything gets tested though.