Sup guys! new to everything here just thought i'd share.


sup guys, first time ever signing up for a growing forum, always been with automotive forums for me, very new to this and slowly doing my research here and everywhere else. Heres my little set up thought I'd share a few pictures.

10x12 vented and insulated room
2x1000watt hps
air conditioned

amazing how these ladies grow, started at measly few inches tall and look at them now, shorted one is 5foot and the tallest one is going pass 6foot, puttin on an inch or two a day right on week1 day 1 of flowering at the moment, let me know what you guys think! nothing special just 7 gdp and 1 grape ape from clones.



Active Member
Nice grow. Those are going to be some tall mamas after they finish growing in flower!


Sorry posted this up through my blackberry I'll get better pics soon. Yes I'm glad I have an fairly tall ceiling to work with!


alright just snapped a few pics after some foliar spray here are the ladies @ week1 day 5 of flowering!

Grape Ape
grape ape flower 01.jpg
grape ape flower 01.jpg

and.....The Granddaddies!
gdp flower02.jpggdp stem.jpgall eight ladies at 6ft+.jpggdp 6ft tall 01.jpggdp flower01.jpggdp 6ft tall 02.jpggdp flower03.jpggdp 6ft tall 03.jpg

Let me know what you guys think! all 7 of my GDP are 6ft going on 7ft tall, got just about 2ft left before i max out the height of the lights! really hope i make it! the Grape Ape is half the height of the GDPs and is one bushy lady!


Well-Known Member
Why are you spaying flowering plants ? They have nothing to gain from spraying at this point imo....

looking good though , nice area you got there...


Just a little optic foliar on the big fan leaves, the ladies love it! Last night was my last dose of that. Had a little bit left in my mist bottle didn't want to waste the goods know what I mean. Well if I'm doing anything wrong just let me know guys! Opinions and suggestions are always welcomed!

Thanks guys!


Active Member
looks like you are doing every thing correct! +rep! is this your first grow? those gals look healthy and happy! play them some good vibe music, they would love it. its a myth that i for one believe to be true.

I'd say you could have tryd tie down next time. 2X1000w for 12 plants is allot, you could tie the lower branches so they get more light. maybe now is too late but for next round...


looks like you are doing every thing correct! +rep! is this your first grow? those gals look healthy and happy! play them some good vibe music, they would love it. its a myth that i for one believe to be true.

I'd say you could have tryd tie down next time. 2X1000w for 12 plants is allot, you could tie the lower branches so they get more light. maybe now is too late but for next round...
Yes, this is my first grow ever! So please keep these advice and tips coming in! :bigjoint: Thanks guys!


Active Member
when the lower branches start to form you tie them to the edge of the pot thus when they grow they are spread out and the light is not blocked from the higher branches allowing more buds to form on the lower branches. you can check it out around here, many posts about this.


Oh yes, probably doing that tonight along with lollipopping when the ladies wake up in 40minutes, thanks guys! Ill try to get some more pictures after we get done. Stay tuned for pictures every week!


Well-Known Member
Very clean grow! I really like it nice and original thousand watts and soil and frost on the fan leaves always a good sign!