Sup With This?


Active Member
Howdie all my fellow horticulturists,anyone any idea whats up with my girl?Shes looking a bit yellow in places and her leaves are droopy.I gave her a full dose of nutes and shes perked up a bit but Im a bit concerned about her color.2014-01-21 19.14.53-1.jpg


Well-Known Member
Monitor your temps, keep a fan in there, ensure your room is light proof for the great 12x12 ....good luck


Well-Known Member
by looking at the one leaf i see thats yellow its looks like a little cal mag deficiency, not really a big deal just bump up the cal mag a tiny bit also yellowing leaves is something your gonna wanna get used to in flowering haha


New Member
Most flower nutes contain little nitrogen, as it is commonly believed flowering plants dont need it. Growers like Uncle Ben say that it's important to keep leaves green through veg and into flower. Personally, i mix my nutes 1/4 veg 3/4 flower to help with N. The only time i want yellow leaves is during flush. Still pretty new, correct me if im wrong!