Supchaka's Growing Weed! Style and Wattage May Vary!

I had 2 friends over tonight, they brought their laptops and we all played diablo 3. I rolled them a fat joint lined with dry ice hash. We smoked 3 times and I think half of the joint is out front still. It was a good time, I dont smoke with people very often. The last time was when Jig and Emily came over, I dont remember when that was. Oh wait no, I did at a party and that concert whenever that was too. Im on the fence still with my scrog and whether or not to run hempys. My one is doing great, the others are ok but they went 12/12 from seed for the most part. The one I did in the smart pot kinda sucks, I can tell it has burn or lockout or something I dont know what. I dont deal with deficiencies very often and I dont care what it is other then I shouldnt have it hah! Its lightened up a bit and some of the lower leaves fell off just kinda willy nilly. Either way I see it as ok the smart pots arent a good idea for me.
Oh and my fan is kinda resonating through my wall now. To an annoying level. Need to replace that tomorrow.
The quietest fan I've found so far is the "Can Fan" they cost a little more but they are better.

My smart hempy isn't a shinning star either, but I put the runt in it and I did the transplant into it after it finished the stretch, so it wasn't a really good test subject, I'm gonna give it one more chance next run.
And this my friends is why I'm done growing perpetual. My hempy is growing seeds now :( fuuuuuudge. Late flowers are ok when you don't have other youngins fresh into flower.
Oh and my fan is kinda resonating through my wall now. To an annoying level. Need to replace that tomorrow.

Chaka, try suspending the fans on bungee cords. It worked out well for me with the vibrations. The whoosh is still something I'm working on :/
Chaka, try suspending the fans on bungee cords. It worked out well for me with the vibrations. The whoosh is still something I'm working on :/
Yeah it was already hanging, I can't imagine how loud these things are if mounted to a wall. I have that one little white fan directly mounted on the wall, its in my last video. Even that little fan I used weatherstripping where it touched the wall to eliminate that vibration too. Sounds carry easily through the walls when things are able to touch them directly.