Super Crop question and Heat stress Question --The rep and Like will flow freely


New Member
I seen a picture on here of someone supercropping a Plant.

It had a brown line where the back of the bend is. Does this mean the branch is broken?

Seen another Picture and another Poster said the plant looked mildy heat stressed. (edges of leaf slightly cupping upwards). How bad is this? how long does it take to recover from something like that? Will it cause the Plant to go hermie?

Thanks Ahead of time


New Member
dude when you super crop make sure to squeeze all 4 corners of the stem yes some will turn brown i guess no worries it will all grow back


New Member
well obviously it will cause you dont really got a main cola anymore i only supercrop mother plants as to make cuttings these days i tryed it all topping etc and found leaving lights as low as possible will get u gain but remember its strain dependent i grow afganistan kush it appeared when i super cropped sure i had more buds but compared to a untouched plant i lost in yield cause they were smaller in size


New Member
well obviously it will cause you dont really got a main cola anymore i only supercrop mother plants as to make cuttings these days i tryed it all topping etc and found leaving lights as low as possible will get u gain but remember its strain dependent i grow afganistan kush it appeared when i super cropped sure i had more buds but compared to a untouched plant i lost in yield cause they were smaller in size
I thought supercropping was just to get the main cola to stop growing vertically. So if you suprecrop your ruining th eproduction of the main cola also?


Well-Known Member
There is always a predominant king bud in the grow unless you top, doing it right will produce more average size buds than small, after all that's the point of it.


Well-Known Member
certain strains are mainly dense ass popcorn anyway and gives it all the yield, this being said learning your strain is the best way to make a choice on which method to use, my bubba kush plants yield shit if i dont do something (notoriously a very low yielding plant) so i top and supercrop those fuckers have gotten up to 3 zips a plant with a 3 week veg and it keeps going up, some strains do not form colas anyway these are the ones you are going to want to train and take all available methods to get more bud sites or what people would call popcorn.


New Member
I think the Guy did it becuase he vegged his plants to 2 1/2 feet before going into Flowering and with the stretch they started getting to big


Well-Known Member
The only reason I would supercrop and I just did do it on one plant is to keep the hight down in the veg room. I believe that a plant is going to produce the same amount of fruit (basically) but the number of and size of the fruits will be different. This is not to say that it has no value, I'm not saying that, but the plant is not going to produce twice as much weight in fruit no matter what you do to the canopy. Within reason of course and all things being equal. Topping for four colas is a good alternative to supercropping and it is a more sure and simpler method in my opinion.


New Member
A lesser stressful way for your plant to way gain more colas is low stress training/instead of pinching and cutting.Drill a hole in you container above the dirt, tie a string in the hole and pull down the top of you plant and tie it down below the second sets of colas that are trying to grow-without breaking it/ this is call training, will give you the same results as super cropping but less stress and recovery time for your plant.


New Member
When you super crop you are diverting hormones to other colas-Now all other colas/will burst up and grow along side the main cola- giving you about 5 main top colas now-The yield is about the same, weather you top/train or super crop/The main reason a person would super crop is, they need space and the plant to be short and bushy.” Here are the end results: if you have one plant crop and bushy you will have to work more to trim it; endless colas and leaves to trim, now…if ya left it alone, and only control the height you will only have to trim one big buds on a stick and less leaves to deal with V.S all the popcorn nuggets, branches and tons of leaves. Hope that makes sense. PEACE


Well-Known Member
here is a pic of how suppercropping will look when healed (first pic) you can see the knots where the breaks where (4 in the pic if you can spot them), i top and then supercropp every branch there after. also this technique i great for basically being able to shape and form your plants to fit nicley into your garden, also it strengthens branches like nobodies business and of course the stronger the branch the bigger the bud its capable of producing. pic 2 is where she nestles in with the rest, pics three and four are of the plants look in general.

