super crop


Active Member
Stress I believe. During veg phase they can bounce back pretty nicely but during flower stress can cause all sorts of problems, stunted growth, lower yield etc.. Etc.. I throw a lot at mine in veg with supercropping but once they hit flower I tend to just let them be however I can see you didn't do it out of choice you simply ran out of room. This has happened to be before, I tend to use some nets that I put up in different heights of the plant which then allows me to bend and move branches easily. For example I put a net up just before I flip to flower, then another after around 2 weeks and then if needed a final one 4/5 weeks in (if they are shaping to be 5/6 foot)

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Active Member
I've four running two where always a little bigger..they shot up, smaller two weren't getting the light, and are the best of the be honest its not effected the plant at all, seemed to bring on the flower..If plant thinks its under attack wouldn't it produce more?


Active Member
If it's stressed too much in flower and it thinks it's going to die it may very well hermi itself. Some strains are less likely but I've had it happen to me before.

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Well-Known Member
eh i lollipop up to 2 weeks into flower. after the stretch is finished i wouldnt mess with anthing in the top half of the plant.