super cropping/topping


Active Member
Alright so i wanna try the topping or super cropping, my friend said its where you cut the main cola and the hormones splits it into two colas is this right?

and could you do it to an LSTed plant where the cola looking nodes are forming could you cut those off also and will they split like the main cola

will that stress the plant to much because of the LST on it?

and one more thing two of my fan leaves are yellowing and one died will that be bad for the plant because at the time i had them a really hott enviorment but changed locations

anyways heres the link to my journal


Well-Known Member
top ur plant then ull get 2-4 main branches.. then super crop them... and yes, where ever u top from, it will split to more colsa when u top


Active Member
so topping is the cutting of a cola to produce hormones and splits in more nodes.

and super cropping is the pinching of a cola where it grows longer?

thats what ive read so far thanks for the reply


Well-Known Member
I'd Fim the top (Fuck I missed, do a research on this technique) It grows the "super cola" youre wanting.... pinch off the "leaves" just above the stem... this also forces the lower branches to "catch up" while the "top" is recovering.....


Well-Known Member
i am not sure what you mean by super cola. fimming will give you more smaller colas. but you are right. fimming, then super cropping is the best. throw in a little lst and you are made.


Well-Known Member
My experience is that a fim (when I did it) grew two buds into one main cola..... a cola is your largest bud..... and it gave the rest of the plant time to "catch up"" to the cola's growth....bringing in larger buds over all....
Now I Fimmed the top AFTER flowering started.....otherwise I would have ended up with 4 top buds...


Well-Known Member
i have never seen fimming during flower. it seems like it would be stressful to the plant while flowering. but i guess that it would split it into two main colas. that is pretty cool. i still dont think it would make a larger cola as compared to one you left alone and let it be the dominant bud. but it will definetely make for larger lower buds

i might mess around with fimming during flowering to see if i can get 2 bud colas


Well-Known Member
i have never seen fimming during flower. it seems like it would be stressful to the plant while flowering. but i guess that it would split it into two main colas. that is pretty cool. i still dont think it would make a larger cola as compared to one you left alone and let it be the dominant bud. but it will definetely make for larger lower buds

i might mess around with fimming during flowering to see if i can get 2 bud colas
ya i wouldnt top it in flower.. do it all in veg... and super-cropping is when u pinch and bend... look at my journal in my signature, ull see sum super-cropping and theres a great thread on super-cropping by a guy named "genfranco".. he has posted in my jornal and his SC thread is in his signature.. its a great thread, check er out!


Active Member
Alright, im going to let it veg alitle longer so my cola grow just alittle bit bigger.

then im going to top them and let them regrow back then super cropp. do i wanna do that during 10/14 or still 24/24? let me know asap please

im going to clone all my topped ones i cut and my friend is going to start them in 12/12 just to get a quick harvest so we both can move into a 3bed room hous where we could do some real work haha

thanks for the information guys.

but does that sound right i cant wait for the actull grow keep checking out my journal


Active Member
thanks for that post but will cutting off each cola where you get from the LST method put the plants into stress? because i basically have my plant bent over and im seeing about 8 more cola spots growing but i wanna top them and then pintch them so everything has time to grow back properly but i dont wanna over stress the plant what do you think


Well-Known Member
I pulled in almost a pound off of my 6 allowed indoor medical plants. I didn't even veg them that big under my fluoros before I put them under my 1000W HPS for flower. I topped them 1 time only when they were small and then low stressed trained the lower branches as they grew out. I used to use 3 gallon pots but at SubCool's advice I switched to 7 gallons and the advantage was well worth it.

Most of the knowledge that made this possible for me was learned from SubCool. Like he says, you can't be lazy. It takes time, attention, and patience. He also taught me how to get 100% clone survival and they pop roots in a week or less. I spent about $15 on my cloning setup.

p.s. props also to the other elites around here for the helpful advice that has helped turn me growing around over the last year, especially ABF, fdd, and stinkbud :blsmoke:


Yea they say that the plant height doubles when it goes into flowering, is that really true? Seems like that is a little extravagant for plants already 2 feet, but anywho... I just fimmed my babes tonight and put some hooks in. Does it look like I cut at the proper place? This is my first time so I'm only going based on what you people write. So how big exactly should my plants be able to get in the standard SH box? I figure since I'm pulling the tops outward I might be able to get away with a little more space and height. The guy who I talked to said that some people grow plants up to 5 feet in it at a maximum.



Active Member
Yea they say that the plant height doubles when it goes into flowering, is that really true? Seems like that is a little extravagant for plants already 2 feet, but anywho... I just fimmed my babes tonight and put some hooks in. Does it look like I cut at the proper place? This is my first time so I'm only going based on what you people write. So how big exactly should my plants be able to get in the standard SH box? I figure since I'm pulling the tops outward I might be able to get away with a little more space and height. The guy who I talked to said that some people grow plants up to 5 feet in it at a maximum.
yeah it looks like you fimmed in the right place thats where i fimmed mine as well seeing th regrowth and just hooked up the 150watt hps still kept the two 27 daylight cfls in their temps 56hum, 78f


damn I can't seem to keep the temp down without it getting DRY up in my closet best is just under 40% with my humidifier on high some of the leaves are curling upside down and one I think some droopiness is being cause by not being able to keep my airstones in the exact spot they need to be...under the roots I got 4 airstones for 4 plants...however it looks like I correctly fimmed at least one or two of them, the rest are just topped it appears...


Active Member
damn I can't seem to keep the temp down without it getting DRY up in my closet best is just under 40% with my humidifier on high some of the leaves are curling upside down and one I think some droopiness is being cause by not being able to keep my airstones in the exact spot they need to be...under the roots I got 4 airstones for 4 plants...however it looks like I correctly fimmed at least one or two of them, the rest are just topped it appears...

so har you having problems with heat issues? or humidityim still kinda new but i read this site all day long i know alot