super duper lst-ing


Active Member
i am saying super training for lack of a better term. i know there are many different methoids of growing and just as many technques to go with them. and we all use what works best for our situtation and limits of how and where we grow. i have always been a big fan of lst-ing my plants but found i have been very limited to how much traing can actually be done just using the rim of my pot or containor. i also have had a good understanding of scrog and it works keeping the canopy even to get good light distribution.
so i took the tow of these methoids and combined the two into what i can super training. i am going to keep this thread going as a grow journal so not only will you see the methoid i am using but also the out i get when using it.
the materialsi use and you can adopt them to your perticular area are
1)2x2 peice of chicken wire.( i prefer atight mess and i will explain later on why.)
2) 5 drywall screws(this is what i had laying around but any screw will work)
3) ties(i use wire for hanging pictures i got at the dollar store)
Tools are very simple just a screw gun and i pair of tin snips
First i begin by cutting a slot into the mess so it will fit around my plant kind of centering the screen over my containor. make sure to leave enough room so the sharp edges of the wire dont cut into the plant. then i fasten the screen to the lid using the 5 drywall screws keeping them just inside the rim of my bucket so that the lid still snaps on tightly.
Then i cut the picture frame wire in to different size hooks(just like ones use to hang balls on you christmas tree). and i then begin to train my plant using the lst methoid. by using the screen it gives me many options on where i can tie the plant down and not keeping me limited to just the rim of my containor. i am also able to move and tie the brach anywhere i need it so that it doesnt cover up any other parts of the plant. i am even able to move fan leafs out of the way.
We are familuar on how lst-ing works by disrupting the auxions and hormones in the plant and using my methois of thinking i am able take each branch indivually and place where ever i chose...
well i hoope my picture help better to explain it but i have found some other good things using this methoid such as it gives me more access to the center of the plant for trimming and inspection, it allows my to create an even canopy, it keeps any falling leaves out of my resivour and off the floor.
by making them square it allows mw to keep the plants close to gether and one plant doesnt over shadow the other. i am able to keep my light closer to the plant with more light reaching the bottom section of the plant. with the screen attached to the top of the bucket i still able to get into my resivuor to refill my nutes or top of with fresh water and make sure my air stones are not gummed up.
well i hope you were able to use any of the information i have provided here and i hope you follow along with me as my plants grow.
now i will give you some information about my set up. it is a tweaked getto grow using 5 gallon buckets from home depot. the plants are germinated in rockwool cubes then transplanted in 3" net pot for the entire grow. this plant has been vegged for 5 weeks under 175w 14k mh buld. i am using cutting edge solutions fvor nutes and 4" air stone in each bucket. please feel free to ask me any questions or give me some insight on how to make this work better, it is my second time growing this way and i am very happy with my result of the last grow. thanks for baring with me as i rambled on and on.....hope the pictures help explain it more
rhe reason i use the thight mess is that i found it gives you more places to place your ties
it allows you keep leaves and such out of the resivour keeping you nutes clean and stable
also it keeps the leaves off the floors and makes clean up and trimmimg wilted and drying leafs easy to reach.


Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
It's a great method of LST'ing - maybe you should call it INVERSE SCROGGING as the branches are above the screen as opposed to under it.

I think it would have been better starting the LST'ing when the plant was smaller.


Active Member
i wanted to start when they were smaller but life got in the way and the next thing i know they were to big. this plant still had some flex in it so i chose it to use. thanks for the advise i have done this to others and had greatr sucess and i hope to bring ti to the do like the invert scrog.....pretty funny


Active Member
so far there has been 60 something viewers to my thread so far. doesn't anyone have any input ot help tweek my set up or weather it is a good thing or bad? i could realy use the input or feedback if i am on the right track with it. thanks


Well-Known Member
that mesh is really small im not quite sure what the use of the screen is? are u just tying them to it or actualy weaving the branches through? also I've never seen one with the screen on the bottom of the plant.


Active Member
i think its just a solid point to be able to anchor them down to, not a screen to go over the top as in scrog, lst is a differnt thing


Active Member
I don't think lst would be a good designation as that plant looks stressed as hell... post some pics of how well it recovers. Interesting technique for sure.