SUPER-ENRICH YOUR WATER WITH OXYGEN<---Has anyone herd of this... USING H2O2

Well-Known Member

Super-enriching your water with oxygen is a very simple process. All it requires is adding one(1) pint hydrogen peroxide to one(1) gallon water, shake well(vigorously for about five(5) seconds), and allow it to sit over night. The reason this enriches the water with oxygen is simple. Water is two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, H2O. Hydrogen peroxide is H2O2, or water with an extra atom of oxygen. When H2O2 is added to H2O, the extra atom in the hydrogen peroxide attaches itself to bacteria and impurities in the water, thereby disinfecting it. After most impurities have been eliminated, you are left with a water-hydrogen peroxide mix. When added to your plants the extra oxygen in the hydrogen peroxide attaches to the roots, helps increase nutrient uptake, and increases plant growth by 30%.


The following are a few simple tips to remember that will help increase the amount of oxygen in your soil:

1. Aerate the soil with bulky and water holding material such as peat moss, bark, vermiculite, rocks, and perlite.

2. Always wait until your plants absolutely need water, then thoroughly saturate with water. This will allow water to drain completely through, and pulls oxygen down through the top of the soil.

3. Super-enrich your water with oxygen by adding one(1) pint hydrogen peroxide to one(1) gallon water, shake vigorously for five(5) seconds, and allow to sit over night.

4. Apply the usage of aeration, and as long as you keep the plants other needs met you can increase growth by up to 20%-30%.


Well-Known Member
couple things here, a pint is a bit much, no need to let it sit overnight. Not for organics, kills microbs good and bad.


Well-Known Member
In my hydro setups i use 3-5ml of food grade(35%) h2o2. Never had a problem.
Okay 3-5ml per what though? a litre or a gallon? And do you just add it to the reservoir? I am using food grade 35% currently and put about 5ml per 110-120ltr which constitutes my reservoir.

Well-Known Member
so what do you guys think of using this in soil? is it okay to use? and you guys say 3-5 ml per gallon of the 35% is that ratio good for soil or would it be differant


Well-Known Member
i have tried using it with my soil, i would just stick to regular watering because i am using organic components to feed my plants. it helped one of my sick plants to revive the roots though and sprayed a few times on the tree for pest related incidents. bottom line h202 will kill beneficial bacteria good for your soil along with the bad ones.


Active Member
research and make your own soil if you want to grow in soil....don't use h2o2 in any soil grow


i have tried using it with my soil, i would just stick to regular watering because i am using organic components to feed my plants. it helped one of my sick plants to revive the roots though and sprayed a few times on the tree for pest related incidents. bottom line h202 will kill beneficial bacteria good for your soil along with the bad ones.
Ok yes it will kill the good and the bad but if used properly it will only kill off the bad bacteria. I know it sounds a lil funny but it's true. The h2o2 binds with the h2o and becomes something different all together. Letting it sit for 24 hours is the time it takes to do just that. It's a thin line because if used imedently it will do more then kill bacterias. It can kill your roots causing your plant to shrivel and burn sometimes it'll eat holes right through the foliage. but if used rite it's wonderful. It'll increase yields, decrease pest and mold problems , and is all around good for your plants wellbeing.