Super Healthy plants under developed buds


I am a week away from harvest. All the plants look extremely healthy. However, the buds are way underdeveloped in size and hair color, etc.
There was a period at the beggining of the flowering cycle that the room was pretty cold. about 50 degrees at night.
Is it possible that the whole cycle has just been delayed?
Are they ruined?
Has anyone had an issue like this because of cold or any other issue?
Please help.


Well-Known Member
Pictures? Cant help you without some kind of information besides it got cold one nite... How long have they been flowering? How much light do you have. nutes?


They got cold every night for about 3 weeks. They have been flowering for 6 weeks.
Everything else is perfect. Nutes are balanced, light is powerful 1000w , room is well ventilated.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
3 WEEKS? Yeah, I think the cold stressed them. You can try harvesting most of the bud normally, but leave some of the lower buds...this will cause new bud growth and allow the lower buds to fatten up. You can do it 2-3 times.

Good luck.


By looking at them that seems like whats happening.
Is there anything else that could cause this and still have such healthy plants?
Thanks for your help.


Well-Known Member
my guess, and it's just a guess, is that your nitrogen levels are a bit too high
high nitrogen could favor leaf over bud
could also be a combination of factors, including nitrogen


i e had that problem but i think it was lack of nutes... and poor light schedule...
so if u did that^^^^ yup. other then that iunno..
i didn't get much yield and chlorophil taste stayed long