Super High Me

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
I have not seen this movie, however not too long ago I read this short pot-smoking book, that was more really 40 pages of "stoned" rambling with about 40 other pages of a couple of words of filler, written by Doug Benson and 2 other dudes who are just about as unfunny as him. Now, obviously I expected a book this short (the fact that it was entirely based upon pot) to be semi-enjoyable, maybe I would get a chuckle, but I was astounded at the amount of stupid ass shit they kept in and what they left out of this "stoner" handbook.

In the book they mention their experiences with smoking pot, Benson's co-writers both had what I would consider normal amounts of pot smoking experience for a stoner at their age. Benson mentioned he had been smoking like 5 years or something, I think hes maybe in his 30s. Now I don't know about you, but when I read a book about weed I want the dude that wrote it to at least have more bud smoking experience than the fucking high schooler down the street. And it was pretty obvious by the segments that he wrote that he was a pretty inexperienced toker. I'm not saying I have some sort of problem with older people who start toking at an older age.

Another thing that I remember was this thing where they talked about hte things that annoy them most and I think Benson mentioned when someone hands you a bowl that has a carb and you don't tell them that it does. I don't know if I've ever been handed a pipe that didn't have a carb and was glass...I'm sure they exist. But if I did I would certainly fucking notice and it wouldn't bother me except for that one second where I couldn't light the shit. Anyway I don't plan on seeing this movie because if this book and his whiny ass persona on VH1 are any examples I have enough of his particular brand of comedy for a couple of lifetimes.