super hot flush . 500f hotter the better

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bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
there are a lot of debates about flushing . so its time for a bacon grease vs boiling water flush . what one is better , pro and cones of both .
boiling water is good for making hot tee
bacon grease gets a lot hotter and you can eat the bacon .
I will have to do the bacon my favorite .
ph of bacon grease needs no adjustment . hot water needs to be ph . bacon grease winning ,
lot of people use motor oil or additives . i did not test these need to stay organic here
heat the grease to 500f and pore it in the soil . you will know its being flushed suggest 1 pound of bacon per 1 gallon pot . you will hear the roots becoming alive ! its very good . when you see your plants in a few days you will know what they have been missing .a03fig01[1].jpg maxresdefault[1].jpg roflbot-2[1].jpg



Well-Known Member
there are a lot of debates about flushing . so its time for a bacon grease vs boiling water flush . what one is better , pro and cones of both .
boiling water is good for making hot tee
bacon grease gets a lot hotter and you can eat the bacon .
I will have to do the bacon my favorite .
ph of bacon grease needs no adjustment . hot water needs to be ph . bacon grease winning ,
lot of people use motor oil or additives . i did not test these need to stay organic here
heat the grease to 500f and pore it in the soil . you will know its being flushed suggest 1 pound of bacon per 1 gallon pot . you will hear the roots becoming alive ! its very good . when you see your plants in a few days you will know what they have been missing .View attachment 3708006 View attachment 3708007 View attachment 3708008
Couple quick questions.
Did you PH the water before or after heating it?
Heating the grease stove top or bonfire?
You say a pound of bacon per 1 gallon pot is that a lb of grease or the grease from a lb of bacon and is it cured


Well-Known Member
I think this sounds like over medicating and thinking of useful things to do with the grease from making bacon to feed munchies.... not sure what to think of the lucas....

however I admit I flush with boiling KY Jelly, makes the herb's effect on sex amazing! Trying get to talk the GF into letting me flush next round with boiling anal ease....

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
I wonder if we could use vapor rub ? mix it 50/50 with the soil . and the soil would be warm to the touch talk about some explosive root growth might have to start with a 100 gallon pot !

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
no beer wont work . there is a lot of sugar in beer . it actually will break down into sugar . all the yeast . but the positive of beer it has co2 . on a different subject . there is some news about coffee being used . not just for flushing . I know one guy that set up a hydro set up . it heats the water to boiling and the roots sit right in . its all temp controlled so it wont over boil and it brews hot coffee right in and its safe to drink . some monster plants but bacon is the way to go . ..... guys I had serious private messages asking me how much bacon to fry up and they wanted to know if they could add molasses at the same time lmao . I wont post there names all this is intended to be funny .


Well-Known Member
Gentleman, seriously don't try the boiling anal ease!! I brought this up to a buddy he had a friend who tried it had a major time with his poop shoot getting extra stoned and on indicas he pooed his pants and on sativas he blasted the squires hard.

Besides that he said the weed ended up tasting like shit anyway....

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I wonder if we could use vapor rub ? mix it 50/50 with the soil . and the soil would be warm to the touch talk about some explosive root growth might have to start with a 100 gallon pot !
WOW! Menthol Marijuana!

Be careful - Newport will sue you!
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Well-Known Member
Keep clogging up the forum with useless posts, it's bad enough we have to deal with newbs asking this stuff in earnest, after they read shit like this. People like you cause more issues with your "joke" posts. Take it to T&T and leave this area for actual growing advice. Mods need to get their shit together and clean this crap up.


Well-Known Member
boiling water will cook the roots and swine fats will piss off vegans and Jews.
Use kombucha to assist soil microbial health and coconut oil as a wetting agent.
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