super lemon haze and multi-kush grow

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most pit buller like dese

the pressa canarios my main dud got one

that is the pressa canerio will eat up yo ass wit a pit and a rott wit you for desert im not into ass eaters but my man is

i like family dogs wit no liabilitys
what kind of pits you have?
I want to get a couple of razor edge or gotti bloodlines
I mainly want a devil red nose and a nice blue nose...

gotti/razors edge=trash..... trust me we be rollin pitts in the chi..those dogs are big for nothing... yall need to look into my nigga tom garner if you want some real ass game bred pitts.......
gotti/razors edge=trash..... trust me we be rollin pitts in the chi..those dogs are big for nothing... yall need to look into my nigga tom garner if you want some real ass game bred pitts.......
I want them for the size and besides you breed that to anything just because of the line you get top dollars...
puuurddy lady..When i was younger i would kill for those but now since im older im into the big boys...Thats why i look into the razors edge and gottis but they be wanting 2500 for a boy and 3000 for a girl shhhhiiiitttt..Ill wait soon ill catch a good deal.I seen some for 1000-1500 now tahts more reasonable...

all in all i pai bout that much for my girl.. but thats wicertificates n gauruntees n vet isit n shit. its worth it if u realize u buyin a fam member/protector
nothing can beat a pitt in a dog fight.... ive seen videos of the akidas getting owned.. rotts fucking a pitt up but then gassing and the pitt comming back to win.... all kinds of mastiffs, ect... the american pittbull terrier is a champ of the dog fight world... they are bred to be musculer has hell, and not to feel pain.... simply put they go to the death.... ive enver seen any other breed of dog be aboe to hang on a spring pole for hours on end...
the standards for show quality boxers used to be wit ears and tail croped now just tail standerds changing ers and tail good also for a scrapper less for othe dogs to grab
gotti/razors edge=trash..... trust me we be rollin pitts in the chi..those dogs are big for nothing... yall need to look into my nigga tom garner if you want some real ass game bred pitts.......
tommy g. is done.. i got garner blood in my girl(thats her name btw). blue pitties cant fuck around in no pit.. they big slow quitters but they got some strong mouths. but pound for pound they cant match up or down with an apbt.. they call RE/Gotti dogs american bully now. not pits. pits are what i have.

I want them for the size and besides you breed that to anything just because of the line you get top dollars...

yes yes..all u have to do is say its blue in its bloodline and its golden price doubles.. hence my decision.
all in all i pai bout that much for my girl.. but thats wicertificates n gauruntees n vet isit n shit. its worth it if u realize u buyin a fam member/protector

yeah when you pay 2500-3000 for a pup it comes with all that and 100 more for the ears prob could talk to the owner and see if he throws it in for free.
nothing can beat a pitt in a dog fight.... ive seen videos of the akidas getting owned.. rotts fucking a pitt up but then gassing and the pitt comming back to win.... all kinds of mastiffs, ect... the american pittbull terrier is a champ of the dog fight world... they are bred to be musculer has hell, and not to feel pain.... simply put they go to the death.... ive enver seen any other breed of dog be aboe to hang on a spring pole for hours on end...
very true.. but i have seen pits eaten.. no vids real life.. but i think if u take a game bred pit thats ready.. no dog will compete.. but if u take little johnny's dog out his yard it will get obliterated. in my yard atleast. u have to realise.. they were BRED to be fighters. naturally i had some pups two years ago make a murder scene in my living room. even 7 week old pups were hard to calm down n get back together. crazy
tommy g. is done.. i got garner blood in my girl(thats her name btw). blue pitties cant fuck around in no pit.. they big slow quitters but they got some strong mouths. but pound for pound they cant match up or down with an apbt.. they call RE/Gotti dogs american bully now. not pits. pits are what i have.

yes yes..all u have to do is say its blue in its bloodline and its golden price doubles.. hence my decision.

do you go papers??? also what garner blood do you got??? my nigga has a blonde pitt named bruce that is a direct descendent of the world champ jocco
do you go papers??? also what garner blood do you got??? my nigga has a blonde pitt named bruce that is a direct descendent of the world champ jocco

he has been offerd 20k a dog from some cats in south america...... they roll dogs like mad down there.... its legal... they have there own fight dog named a dog.. pittz kill those to
difficult for an inteligent person to make a blanket statment to say all of anything
bruce lee was 1 bad muther but all orientals can not beat all niggers
all blacks cant dance and play basketball or snatch pocketbooks me as not knowing all dont make blanket staements like all pts can do this or that

dog pit product of man all come from the wolf and man made into diff kinds for diff things

all indaividuals thats only all i know for sure
yup i got papez:)

the dog is my uncles dog on paper. my dog in real life. but she is a grandbaby to black dog .. or el negro which was garners dog bred to my uncles bitch lady(thats hy i named mine girl) she bout to be due for a heat and her last litter.
yup i got papez:)

the dog is my uncles dog on paper. my dog in real life. but she is a grandbaby to black dog .. or el negro which was garners dog bred to my uncles bitch lady(thats hy i named mine girl) she bout to be due for a heat and her last litter.

im familier with el negro.... garner is a beast at dog btreeding.. and all his dogs are the sourkush of the dog world
very true.. but i have seen pits eaten.. no vids real life.. but i think if u take a game bred pit thats ready.. no dog will compete.. but if u take little johnny's dog out his yard it will get obliterated. in my yard atleast. u have to realise.. they were BRED to be fighters. naturally i had some pups two years ago make a murder scene in my living room. even 7 week old pups were hard to calm down n get back together. crazy

lol only thing i seen eat a pitt is another more gamebred pitt
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