Reviews, smoke reports, pictures, hints etc!
Just took a hit of lemon... its almost dizzying. Rollercoaster waves of intense buzz that come and go. Mostly in the head and shoulders, back feels good but my head feels as if it is detached from my body. A static like body high with pressure behind your eyes and top of skull! Pretty trippy taken at 9 weeks. Great for pain and meditation. seems to intensify other types of bud... also raises the already sky high ceiling. I feel war and relaxed about 20 minutes into the high. My head starts to feel like its decompressing and my heart rate begins to rise. (I took my blood pressure after smoking and i was prehyper tension!!)
It feels like i pounded a coffee after never have drank caffeine. Combined with the static body high that starts to build at the top of my neck, warch chills run down my back and limbs randomly.. feels like stretching in the morning when you move. The haze has completely grasped me by 30 minutes in. Youll be going off on mental tangents for the next 30 minutes

pulsing head high that enhances color and is very motivating outdoors. Indoors i seem to kinda sit and trip out a little. An hour or two in and the sativa starts to loosen its grasp and ms lemon skunk puts you down hard. Very relaxing, sedative almost if taken in big doses. The sedative high receades after 10-15 minutes or so and a somewhat energetic body high proceeds. Strong, crisp, motivating, clear headed. Waves of chills still spontaneously running down limbs. Mosly calves, shoukders, and neck. My back pain is gone.. and im very loose and relaxed, but no longer drowsy.
I can actually go running after a hit and fall into an almost trance like state. Intensifies drive. I almost forget im running cause my mind is going so fast.
Anyways... This is the bud i have always envisioned having. Its a crazy sativa that makes you mind go wild, but somehow the skunk relaxes you enough you can sleep on it anytime. It can make you go into lucid dreams like opiates can. Excellent pain reliever.
Can couch lock or motivate... just depends where you take the high