Super Lemon Haze in a Phototron

Hey Doc,
I owe you a apology so I am reallytrulyvery sorry for defying your advice. You are correct, it is time for flowering! If you review the attached pics you will see not only hairs spitting out but a little nute lock as well. She still looks really perky and healthy otherwise, but the nute lock worries/bothers me. I know that it is all of the growing process but I freak out every time my plants show nute lockout from veg to bloom. I guess this is because this the stage that I have lost plants before.
Anyway, I gave her a quart of Pur tap water ph'd to 5.8 just before I loaded these pics and after she drinks all of it up I will be flipping over to flowering! I have also attached a copy of the feeding schedule as well if you want to go through it. My lighting schedule is a little different than what is recommended on the schedule. Instead of vegging at 18 and 6 I vegged at 20 and 4. In essence, I am two hours off the schedule but the timing is relative; they recommend 18/6 for veg and I went 20/4.

So, I will let her drink up the water that I just gave her and then tie her down. Any suggestions? Based on the videos that I have seen all that those people have done is basically bend the plant over, tie a piece of string, fishing line or dental floss to the top, bend the plant over and then tie the other end to the base of the plant. In your opinion, do you feel that that would be sufficient or do you see other branches that I need to tie up/down as well?

On another note, Happy New Year to you and Mr. Trichomes! If you are hungover from last night, I would suggest a Red Bull, Monster or a Ephedrine, if you can get your hands on one, and then chase it with a Coke, Dr. Pepper or Mountain Dew. This method saved me over and over again when I was younger and drank on a daily basis.

Hope all is well!


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@Dr.Amber Trichome never knew what a phototron was but see lots of people imitating it with their own DIY setups - thanks for sharing.. Your pics show you have a ton of soul and really connect with your plants. I love that. I may have to hang a poster for my plants too. A friend plays music for his. And a guy in the hempy forums has a lizard living among his.. Gotta love getting in tune with Mother Earth!
happy fuckin new yeaR Friends and Fiends!!! hope its full of nothing but positive energy for all of you! :peace:
all you beautiful people! :eyesmoke:
all the best to you and your beautiful family DST! :grin:

no worrys UniDragon, everything will be amazing. I had no idea your phototron was so short.
Its almost half the height as mine, so limiting veg is a must.
12/12 from seed or a week veg might be best in the future.
do all the tie ups and downs no problem at this point and everything will be awesome 8)
. Dental floss tie downs. :razz: haha , I remember doing that!!
good times. just keep working on tying her up daily, as she explodes, There are no rules Uni, be creative and have fun.. what ever it takes .. twists and turns to keep her from burning on the lights. its all good!!
it will be loads of fun keeping her stuffed in there and the buds will be so freakin bursting tasty. I'm jealous.
wish I had what you do right now...

hello Smoke Doggy! thanks for stopping by!:peace: I appreciate your positive insights. really makes me happy hearing from you. Your awesome!
:p its cool to reflect on the good times, bad times.. I have had my share.
I will love you all to the end! I don't care what the neighbors say.
So, I flipped over to flowering for Ripley yesterday, smh. I switched out the bulbs, from a 6500k 23 watt cfl, to a 25 watt 2700k incandescent and then experimented with LST by counting the nodes, nine in total from top to bottom. I then bent her to a 90 degree angle and then left her that way without tying her down. I checked on her eight hours later and she RAISED UP AND THE LIGHT WAS LAYING ON TOP OF HER so she got burned. In a panic, I trimmed off all of the burned leaves and then lifted the light to 3" above the canopy. This morning, she seemed fine. So, I smoked a bowl of Triple OG and then got this wild hair to implement the Phototron pruning method:

Any leaf that is on it's own branch that is 4" in length, cut the stem to 1/4" from the main stem. Any leaf that is 3" in length that is on a side branch cut the stem to 1/4" from the main stem. Any stem that is 4" in length cut it to 2".

I did this primarily because of lots of red to purple color that was building on the stems just below the nodes. I then fed her full power nutes for this week, the first week of flowering:

1ml Dutch Pro Multi-Total
1ml Hormex (substituting for Take Root)
2.5 ml Dutch Pro Bloom A+B

Typically when I feed her there is somewhat of a runoff at the bottom of The Tron. After feeding her this morning, there was very little runoff at all.
Here are the latest pics. Based on the growth overnight, I am projecting that she will get all kinds of preflowers and buds all over her.


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I told you to remove that useless light hanging over her!
I told you not to remove any leaves!
you never listen to me and now removing those important fan leaves was a really bad idea.
and SHE got burnt from that stupid little light hanginv over her.
whats the point in me being here if you never listen to me?
you just cant leave her alone and now she really set back. Get her the fuck out of that tent and start another grow in the tent if you need something else to focus on.
I'm getting on a greyhound and leaving..
Here are the latest pics. Based on the growth overnight, I am projecting that she will get all kinds of preflowers and buds all over her.

It has been a LOOOOONG time since I have seen an incandescent light bulb in a grow....hopefully it will be even longer before I see another one. Take that bulb out of there, and put it in the trash!!! I wouldn't even recommend putting that bulb in a reading light
So, I flipped over to flowering for Ripley yesterday, smh. I switched out the bulbs, from a 6500k 23 watt cfl, to a 25 watt 2700k incandescent and then experimented with LST by counting the nodes, nine in total from top to bottom. I then bent her to a 90 degree angle and then left her that way without tying her down. I checked on her eight hours later and she RAISED UP AND THE LIGHT WAS LAYING ON TOP OF HER so she got burned. In a panic, I trimmed off all of the burned leaves and then lifted the light to 3" above the canopy. This morning, she seemed fine. So, I smoked a bowl of Triple OG and then got this wild hair to implement the Phototron pruning method:

Any leaf that is on it's own branch that is 4" in length, cut the stem to 1/4" from the main stem. Any leaf that is 3" in length that is on a side branch cut the stem to 1/4" from the main stem. Any stem that is 4" in length cut it to 2".

I did this primarily because of lots of red to purple color that was building on the stems just below the nodes. I then fed her full power nutes for this week, the first week of flowering:

1ml Dutch Pro Multi-Total
1ml Hormex (substituting for Take Root)
2.5 ml Dutch Pro Bloom A+B

Typically when I feed her there is somewhat of a runoff at the bottom of The Tron. After feeding her this morning, there was very little runoff at all.

So...basically your burnt her up, then introduced a huge number of cuts for pathogens to enter, then removed the very thing the plants needs to recover from stress (Leaves), then upped the nutes to full power....? Might be time to smoke some indica stuff and just watch her from on the couch. Doing way more harm then good.
I told you to remove that useless light hanging over her!
I told you not to remove any leaves!
you never listen to me and now removing those important fan leaves was a really bad idea.
and SHE got burnt from that stupid little light hanginv over her.
whats the point in me being here if you never listen to me?
you just cant leave her alone and now she really set back. Get her the fuck out of that tent and start another grow in the tent if you need something else to focus on.
I'm getting on a greyhound and leaving..

Hey dat,

Hope new years was awesome, and wishing you and your family an awesome 2016. Its cold, wet, frozen, and nasty here at Payne Farms.

Stay free, stay high

hey Papa! I missed you!!. Happy new Year to you as well. I hope it will be an amazing one for you. Wishing you and your family the BEST!!

I'm really looking forward to the new year. We have some really excitieng new plans!!!
Selling the house, moving back east, new career.
I wanted to see if you want some of my gear I need to get rid of before I move.
and I have tons of art for you as well. Some trippy painting and cool trippy drawings for Payne Farms!
hey Papa! I missed you!!. Happy new Year to you as well. I hope it will be an amazing one for you. Wishing you and your family the BEST!!

I'm really looking forward to the new year. We have some really excitieng new plans!!!
Selling the house, moving back east, new career.
I wanted to see if you want some of my gear I need to get rid of before I move.
and I have tons of art for you as well. Some trippy painting and cool trippy drawings for Payne Farms!

What all do you need to find a home for? Perhaps you and mr. dat could come out to cottage grove for a visit before you go? Definitely sounds like you guys are on the brink of some very fun times! Especially since it sounds like you are excited to live in San Fran! Was the new job helping pay for the move? San Fran is a pricey place for rentals, and living in general. Its always awesome starting a new chapter. I remember when I piled my dog and me into the truck n trailer and made my way north from sacramento ca. Was terrified, excited, and nervous all in one. Wondered if I was making the right call, and worried what it would be like to live in a new state where I literally had no friends or contacts for selling bud. Been up here 2 years though, and gotta say, am living the dream I had for myself. Got a good woman by my side, 5 acres of heaven, can do my indoor and outdoor runs, and hopefully will be buying a place next year. Hell, doing so well was able to have some of my cup spill over and provide a spot for doc and his family in their time of need. I guess what all that rambling was to say, life is a journey, and I hope your next segment of the trip is everything you are hoping for, and more. I am sure it will be different and even more exciting that you can even picture, And I would happily hang your art up here on payne farms!

Sending much positive vibes, and good kharma your way my friend,

Stay free, stay high,

lol, papa your so sweet. I guess I need to catch you up on my crazy life.
things were a disaster in Cali. I was there for all about 2 weeks. I had some serious health problems, tried to take on a very stressful new job too soon after my surgery and ended up in the ER. I quit packe back up and moved back up to WA. where I am now. I could not take on that job in cali, what a huge mistake that was. wanting me to work 12 hour days 12 cancer patients a day with no lunch break.
It was a big wake up call in many ways. I been thinkin bout getting out of my field for a long time, been dragging it out thinkin switching jobs ..year after year with each new job , I couldn't find one that would be work for me, they all sucked the life out of me. Working with sick dying cancer patients day after fuckin day, year after fuckin year, not matter where I lived what new job I got, I thought It would be different but it never was. Always depressing, I just aint cut out for it, don't have that thick skin to do it... and now I'm broken and burnt to the point I will not return to that work ever again. So I'm selling my house, selling all my shit, moving to a place where I can afford a small apartment with cheap rent and find a minimal paying job to cover the bills . a job that wont stress me and ruin my health.
I got my loving husband supporting me and helping me through this so everything will fine.
Thanks for all the positive vibes. I'm so happy that things have really worked out so wonderfully for you. id like to visit before i leave the west coast and give you all my art. be a shame to just throw it in the dumpster. Thank you for helping out doc and his family! please send him my reguards.
Damn Doc, wish you the best in your journey on your new life. I dream of doing the same (currently still grinding the silicon valley job) but as I get a bit older I will do the same as you and "retire" to a more sane lifestyle... Good luck and hope you continue to grow and post!

Care to add any help or info to my grow journal? << looking for feedback..
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haha,im tryin to sell my its like practically IMPOSSIBLE! lol
No one knows what the fuck it is.

I told one one guy its an alien invention that had been left behind by the aliens because they couldn't take it with them cuz they didn't have enough room on the space ship.

lmao I never really understood how absolutely ridiculous this growing machine was till trying to get it off my hands.
man I just piled all sorts of grow gear up to dump.
all my lights, fans, waterfarm kits, speed controllers, extention cords, R/O water filter.
and so sick of hearing .. WHATS a PHOTORON? lol.
yall have fun now..!
This is it.. this is the end my beau:-Dtiful friends. :eyesmoke:
I got rid of the stealth bomber.
and boy was it a doozy. worthless piece of shit, only good for incubation.. that was about it.
Well, actually, I did grow some really high powered dank in it.:weed:
But I feel so lucky I got rid of it. Nobody new what the fuck it was. So I should thank my lucky stars that I was even able to get rid of it to an amazing incredible budtender. I hope he has better luck with it then I did.
So there it is folks.
I cant recommend this product to anyone.
Happy Trails.:peace:
This is it.. this is the end my beau:-Dtiful friends. :eyesmoke:
I got rid of the stealth bomber.
and boy was it a doozy. worthless piece of shit, only good for incubation.. that was about it.
Well, actually, I did grow some really high powered dank in it.:weed:
But I feel so lucky I got rid of it. Nobody new what the fuck it was. So I should thank my lucky stars that I was even able to get rid of it to an amazing incredible budtender. I hope he has better luck with it then I did.
So there it is folks.
I cant recommend this product to anyone.
Happy Trails.:peace:

your my hero !!!