Super Lemon Haze Irie Stuff


Well-Known Member
Outstanding Job Las Fingerez~ That is the best I have yet to see in growing a slh and keeping her low. Those buds are huge! Bet you get the same weight I did (or more) from my 5 footer.Keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
Ok Larry and I took a break and dropped out, I mean from everywhere, but we miss all of you greatly and are excited to share with you new things that we have found or are trying out.
So SLH can be a tall one and hard to handle, but it seems Las Fingerez ( shout out ) has showed us it can be done. Myself I have been spraying them with sea kelp (strong) and I am using these metal garden circles to help guide limbs and keep them from swaying when they get over 3'. The height on the metal is 2 feet then the round top is like same in diameter? Not sure. None the less I am using them instead of using bamboo.
Now to keep them from stretching in the first 2 weeks of 12/12 I am leaving them under the T-5s (in veg) for 12 hours then putting them in the flower tent for the 12 dark. Daily work but so far it looks good.
Here are some pics of them~

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
sweet bro glad 2 see u back :) lovely looking lady u got there 2 :)

cheers for the nice comment, how much did u get of ur lady bone dry? i shall let u know my final weight in about a week or so :)


Well-Known Member
Now you see that white color (spots) on leafs, well that is from a foliar spray of CO2 (calcium carbonate ~ ) I sprayed this stuff under the leafs and 7 hours later I went back and POW~ they where looking there best, EVER ! Read all about it and get it soon. Also there is Azos it is awesome. After spraying Azos into soil and waiting 4-5 hours later all my leafs raised up towards the light and smiled. It was fast and lasted 2-3 weeks with one treatment. I tell you what, besides smart pots these two products are major finds in my garden. Waste no time and start reading about these 2 products.


Well-Known Member
bongsmilie I know I am all about SLH, but I must show you all what these new products I am using have done for me, well that and Smart Pots. These first three pictures are Sour Kush clones from Mother in flower (pic included). Smart Pots kept them short and allowed me to easy lst and remove when needed. The CO2 and Azos made them veg out and node up. I even sprayed my flowers one time and the next day they where all POPPIN. Even my OG#18 that was in week 9. The buds did not swell yet so I gave a quick spray of CO2 and the next day there was swelling.


Well-Known Member
Ok Larry and I took a break and dropped out, I mean from everywhere, but we miss all of you greatly and are excited to share with you new things that we have found or are trying out.
So SLH can be a tall one and hard to handle, but it seems Las Fingerez ( shout out ) has showed us it can be done. Myself I have been spraying them with sea kelp (strong) and I am using these metal garden circles to help guide limbs and keep them from swaying when they get over 3'. The height on the metal is 2 feet then the round top is like same in diameter? Not sure. None the less I am using them instead of using bamboo.
Now to keep them from stretching in the first 2 weeks of 12/12 I am leaving them under the T-5s (in veg) for 12 hours then putting them in the flower tent for the 12 dark. Daily work but so far it looks good.
Here are some pics of them~
okay GG13 - so you're flowering under T5's only for the first 2 weeks... how many T5's...?
Where'd you get the metal circles?
What brand of sea kelp are you using?


Well-Known Member
I am liking the smart pots would be so ideal for my height restriction. And Co2 spray that sounds like a nice way too directly give them it.
Should you still give that if you are running CO2?
I copied your post on those products and I want them thanks. And those plants looked really good and short. Awesome!


Well-Known Member
okay GG13 - so you're flowering under T5's only for the first 2 weeks... how many T5's...?
Where'd you get the metal circles?
What brand of sea kelp are you using?
I have a 4 foot 8 bulb T-5s I am using veg lights (veg room) and the SLH are slowly stretching under it during the 12 on. Those metal hoops with the squares on top where found at Home Depot (hardware store) back where they sell pots and landscaping stuff. The Sea Kelp I bought from e bay and mix it with water to create my own (pure).

I am liking the smart pots would be so ideal for my height restriction. And Co2 spray that sounds like a nice way too directly give them it.
Should you still give that if you are running CO2?
I copied your post on those products and I want them thanks. And those plants looked really good and short. Awesome!
Smart Pots are fabulous. I take a 5 gallon and roll half of it down, then fill with soil and a plant, wait until plant reaches sides with branches and then just before going 12/12 I unroll the half and fill it up with fresh soil. That way the whole time in veg the plant thinks it only could grow wide, not tall.
I would doubt you need co2 spray if you are running co2.


Well-Known Member
Heads Up~ So I brought in my Strawberry plant from the outside (winter coming) and sat it in my veg tent. In less than 3 weeks it was so full of spider mites that it looked like they sat up tents everywhere! But no other plant in veg had a SM. All where cared for just in case, but my point is that Strawberry's attract SM like cheese and mice. Keep them far away from grow area.


Active Member
Hey Ganja13!!!!
Man I really enjoyed reading this thread. I have 2 SLH going now on their 2nd week in veg. Im gonna ver the larger one as long as I need to get some clones off of her. Im going with StinkBuds perpetual setup.

Im really interested in the spray CO2 and the AZOS. Both sounds like some "extreme gardening" for sure.

Did you not notice any negative repercussions from the use of those products? Have you seen anyone else using those 2 products? They sound like brilliant products. I checked em out on that website you posted.

Last, you said you got little over 3oz dry per plant SLH???? Thanks bud


Well-Known Member
I have a 4 foot 8 bulb T-5s I am using veg lights (veg room) and the SLH are slowly stretching under it during the 12 on. Those metal hoops with the squares on top where found at Home Depot (hardware store) back where they sell pots and landscaping stuff. The Sea Kelp I bought from e bay and mix it with water to create my own (pure).

GG13- I got it now.... thanks for xplaining.


Well-Known Member
Hey GG13 I am wondering about the co2 spray myself..I was thinking of going a little different of a route but I like the facet you can concentrate the co2 where you want to put it..I've learned control of every aspect of your grow is crucial..also what is this AZOS..def need to find out more about it.


Well-Known Member
Hey Ganja13!!!!
Man I really enjoyed reading this thread. I have 2 SLH going now on their 2nd week in veg. Im gonna ver the larger one as long as I need to get some clones off of her. Im going with StinkBuds perpetual setup.

Im really interested in the spray CO2 and the AZOS. Both sounds like some "extreme gardening" for sure.

Did you not notice any negative repercussions from the use of those products? Have you seen anyone else using those 2 products? They sound like brilliant products. I checked em out on that website you posted.

Last, you said you got little over 3oz dry per plant SLH???? Thanks bud
post your link to your grow so we can watch your SLH grow!!! don't you know were a bunch of SLH finatics over here......:peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey Ganja13!!!!
Man I really enjoyed reading this thread. I have 2 SLH going now on their 2nd week in veg. Im gonna ver the larger one as long as I need to get some clones off of her. Im going with StinkBuds perpetual setup.

Im really interested in the spray CO2 and the AZOS. Both sounds like some "extreme gardening" for sure.

Did you not notice any negative repercussions from the use of those products? Have you seen anyone else using those 2 products? They sound like brilliant products. I checked em out on that website you posted.

Last, you said you got little over 3oz dry per plant SLH???? Thanks bud
Nothing Negative as of using co2 (cal carb) as a folair spray. Used it twice now in 3 weeks and everything is lush green or bud squirting. I have not seen anyone using these products yet, they are safe for organics and r a must try.

Hey GG13 I am wondering about the co2 spray myself..I was thinking of going a little different of a route but I like the facet you can concentrate the co2 where you want to put it..I've learned control of every aspect of your grow is crucial..also what is this AZOS..def need to find out more about it.
AZOS is crazy great stuff. What it does is pulls nitrogen out of the air and then the roots can get at it. Now you have to read about it to get the facts but the skinny is~ Air holds (x) amount of nitrogen in it, Azos pulls nitrogen from air and therefore roots can have at it like never before.