Super Lemon Haze or Tangerine Dream?


From what I've heard from friends and read on here, both are similar. Both have won Cannabis Cups, both are sativas, and both have citrus names...

But which one is better (grow-wise and smoke-wise)?


Well-Known Member
I think from what I have read only, that Tangerine Dream is more flavor than high. I have grown SLH many times from seed and it never disappoints. There is a thread just for SLH growers.


Well-Known Member
Picture 200.jpgPicture 195.jpgPicture 201.jpgPicture 214.jpgPicture 011.jpgPicture 031.jpgtangererine dream is new & unproven its supposed to be short where slh well get tall unless you take measures to see that it dont i have 3 friends growing slh as well as myself here is a couple highlights of my slh grows


Well-Known Member
Also from what I've read only: Tangerine Dream is more unstable than other strains such as SLH. So I would go with SLH just for the fact of its proven track record. But fuck it, GET BOTH!