super nooobs first grow


Active Member
Yer it was nute burn, after a flush its coming along nicely now, ive transplanted her to a hugge pot so plently of root growing space, 1 of the first things ive learnt from my grow was lighting, you need loads of it, at current i got 1x15watt 1x20watt 1x25watt (60watt, equiv to300watt) after this grow im gonna invest in some proper lights,, i first started off on a jus 1 bulb, thats why my plants so small, shes has lots of nodes and shoots coming off everywhere jus rele small shes grow 2 and half inches in 2 days which is well good (to me), have you got your other light yet? what nutes you gonna use?


well its day 18 now and they are looking good. one of the plants has taken of probably because of its different strain. the other girl is staying short and bushy.

i havent got any nutes yet, not to sure on whatto get. there going so well at the moment i dont want to stuff anything up but i no they need it.

at current i got 1x15watt 1x20watt 1x25watt (60watt, equiv to300watt)
so you have 60 watt for your plant. my light is 130w normal without equiv. but yeh i still need another one.

what do you guys think. how are they going??




Active Member
Yer mine lights are for 1 plant and its not enough, youve got 2 plants when they get bigger there gonna struggle to share 1 light,


well have done quit a bit over the last 2 days. bought some nutes for the girls and gave them there first quater dose.

it dosent say on the bottles (both A and B mix) what frequency to give it to them i.e once a week/ every water..

i have moved the plants to my mates house as well. i live on campus at uni and it was just a matter of time before we got caught.

another 6400k 130w cool daylight has been bought, so there is plenty of lumens now for both plants.

even with two fans running we are struggling to keep the temp under 90. it hangs around 92F. will this be ok?

we are giving them 6 more days on 18/6 then transfering over to two 2700k 130w CFL's for flowering.

how are they looking. any comments would be appreciated. notice the soon to be super basil in the back and the ghetto bulb restraints.




Well-Known Member
Looking sweet man nice little hood u made thier :D
What's the blue thing in the 1 st pic top left ?
Do you Have a fan blowing directly onto the plants ?
Coming along nicely keep the post coming ....


cheers mate for the support.

the blue thing is one of the fans. its blowing straight down ontop of them whislt the one on the right hand side blows across them.

i forgot to mention i also topped both the girls for the first time.



so i am thinking about giving them one more week of veg and then switching to 12/12 cause they still grow a fair bit during flower and we are limited to space.

do you think after one more week they will be right to go under 12/12.

anyone have any ideas os the strains yet??


ok so here is an update of it all. the girls are going good. started putting them on full strength nutes now. 4-3-1, do you think that is adequate enough.

i dont have a lot of room in my cupboard so i am thinking about putting them into flower this week. do you think they are ready??

also i topped them a few days ago but am thinking about trimming the bottom fan leaves of so the plant doesnt waste energy on them.
is that a good idea????

any help would be appreciated.




Well-Known Member
I would flower sooner than later. Its really hard for even an experienced grower to predict stretch on a strain that they are familiar with.

I would rather have plants that finished nice and strong but were smaller than expected vs having more shitty weed cuz the plants got to close to the light and suffered to much stress.

Plus you have to deal with hermies and all the other bullshit.



cheers mate for your help. finally someone has replied. +rep for u buddy.

does anyone have any idea of the strains.
