Super Nutrient Formula


Active Member
I have done a lot of research over the past few years on plant nutrients and finally got around to designing my own fertilizer. My main complaint with most fertilizers is that they neglect trace minerals. The focus is always on the big three N-P-K. Yes, you can get away with using a mix like this, but it's just enough to keep the plant going.

Unhappy with commercial quality, I tried to come up with a "Super Fertilizer". Something that would be extremely rich in what a plant needs. This doesn't mean more N-P-K, but trace minerals and sugars as well. I like to compare it to us humans: we get enough food to keep us going, but rarely eat the right vitamins and minerals for our body to be healthy. Hence all of the heart disease, especially in the United States.

Ok, I know you want to know my idea by now so here it is:
1 gallon mineral water (low sodium-San Pellegrino is good)
2 tablespoons molasses
Any normal dose of basic fertilizer (Miracle Grow)
That's it. Have I tried it yet? No, but I am in the process now. None of these ingredients overloads on any certain nutrient. Theoretically it's the perfect balance. The mineral water is key. This water is very natural and contains all trace minerals you would expect in a natural environment. It MUST be low sodium to avoid salt build up. Also, a lot of this water is carbonated which is good to spray leaves with, but is bad for oxygen loving roots. San Pellegrino is carbonated, but also contains a great balance of minerals minus salt. So, I jut sit the water out for 24 hours until the Co2 evaporates. The molasses is a great source of carbs and has proven to up the yield by 20 percent without affecting the N-P-K or mineral balance. The N-P-K fertilizer that is chosen is up to you. As always, just don't over do it and you're fine. I am in the third week of flowering on my compact fluorescent setup and am just now starting this process. I will add it once a week as usual and will keep you all updated soon. Wish me luck! :)