Super Power Of America Or Stupid Power Of America


New Member
we've conquered the world and you're jealous. whatcha gonna do? i'm sitting pretty, i don't need to do anything. :mrgreen:bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
what a nobjockey,
jealous of what, britain made america, i live in a united kingdom of america
dont give me we won the war card know1 won the war of 1776 it was agreed to your europia inbread fathers to keep the world white - it was
fixed for the sake of the so called new world,
u people dont know the meaning of war.


Well-Known Member
now i get it. this thread has no direct meaning other than bashing the USA. fair enough. carry-on.

let it all out, you'll feel better.



Well-Known Member
lol. should have posted one of a baby taking a shit in it's diaper, because that's what they really want to do. it's a freudian be anally expulsive.


Well-Known Member
I know it is old, it is a prime example of the ''corporate America'' that has been going on for years. The corporations are your government!


Well-Known Member
stupid nobjockey ,911 was the setup up by your dogs in the whitehouse by the white man, for there new world intensions, everything your gov does is pre-planed by the devil.:hump:
And what color are you wiilgrow. You kidney eating bloke. Fuck you and your


Well-Known Member
I know it is old, it is a prime example of the ''corporate America'' that has been going on for years. The corporations are your government!
so watcha gonna do? that's my question. all this complaining and nothing getting done. ok, you think we suck. so? i get it.


Well-Known Member
I understand you are aware of the situation within your country, it is the people who are so stupid in they are unwilling to accept it. ;)


Well-Known Member
I'm willing to accept it. I have radically accepted this fact long ago. And I have moved on with my life. There's no other choice. Be in the world but not of the world.