Super Purple Tomatoes


Well-Known Member
Just playing devil's advocate here, I generally agree, but selective breeding is genetic modification. Every crop grown for food that has a strain name attached to it is a GMO. Dogs and house cats and cows and anything else "domesticated" is a GMO. Just because there are different tools available now to do it faster and more precisely doesn't change the intent. If you could make a strain of rice available that would end world hunger, would you deny it just because it carries a gene from a bacteria? Just for the record, I would, but not because I'm against genetic modification.
just curious, why would you be against it?


Well-Known Member
I cant find the actual peer reviewed article, I JUST found the hard copy, but no copier..

heres a link

Pretty much they isolated a gene from a particular bacteria that produces Anthocyanin (can't believe I forgot that word) , anyways It produces a purple pigment. This gene was placed in the tomato and reproduced. Eating like two of these GREATLY decreases your chances of getting multiple types of cancers.
I don't think that eating purple foods for health reasons is breaking news or anything. What kind of class is he teaching?


Well-Known Member
Just playing devil's advocate here, I generally agree, but selective breeding is genetic modification. Every crop grown for food that has a strain name attached to it is a GMO. Dogs and house cats and cows and anything else "domesticated" is a GMO. Just because there are different tools available now to do it faster and more precisely doesn't change the intent. If you could make a strain of rice available that would end world hunger, would you deny it just because it carries a gene from a bacteria? Just for the record, I would, but not because I'm against genetic modification.
gmo is much more then selective breeding. some research will show this.
and i to would not be for the rice. gmo almost always comes back as a negative effects


Well-Known Member
So the impetus of the experiment is related more to gene manipulation than the purple health food aspect I would suppose. I don't know what you're trying to get out of it but I would concentrate on that insted of trippin on purple food. They have purple everything today cabbage, corn, potatoes. Tomorrow it will yellow food. Pay attention to the process, not the result. Just sayin


Well-Known Member
So the impetus of the experiment is related more to gene manipulation than the purple health food aspect I would suppose. I don't know what you're trying to get out of it but I would concentrate on that insted of trippin on purple food. They have purple everything today cabbage, corn, potatoes. Tomorrow it will yellow food. Pay attention to the process, not the result. Just sayin
They are just cutting genes from one organism and planting them another.... the genes are from two very different species that do the exact same thing. They are simply planting a gene in the new organism, in this case (the tomato), and then it starts producing this chemical at a much larger rate and quantity. Seems pretty bad ass to me. If you could control the plant growth/reproduction ie. in a controlled greenhouse, then it wouldn't spread out into the wild.. There is a strong correlation between this chemical and not getting cancer.

Also, I am not "tripping" on purple food, hell I dont care if the food is glowing (as long as not radioactive), if it were to cut my chances of getting cancer or living longer with a cancer, id eat it. I think docs are saying something like 6-8 tomatoes, so that your body even gives a shit if you ate them. this would cut that to 1.


Well-Known Member
They are just cutting genes from one organism and planting them another.... the genes are from two very different species that do the exact same thing. They are simply planting a gene in the new organism, in this case (the tomato), and then it starts producing this chemical at a much larger rate and quantity. Seems pretty bad ass to me. If you could control the plant growth/reproduction ie. in a controlled greenhouse, then it wouldn't spread out into the wild.. There is a strong correlation between this chemical and not getting cancer.

Also, I am not "tripping" on purple food, hell I dont care if the food is glowing (as long as not radioactive), if it were to cut my chances of getting cancer or living longer with a cancer, id eat it. I think docs are saying something like 6-8 tomatoes, so that your body even gives a shit if you ate them. this would cut that to 1.
Yeah, I gotcha. Personally I do eat puple food. I think that there is a lotta learnin between "culdn't ya just" and producing lime green corn or something like that. Pretty facinating if you ask me.