Super Silver Haze Auto Thread -


Active Member
This is a newer auto strain that I have decided to grow, have seen a few people talk about it but not many, so hope to get some growers talking here about it. This strain is suppose to be a very high yielder up to 200g per plant.

Here is some details on this strain:

Silver Haze Automatic is our latest in auto flowering technology. For some time, despite their benefits, auto flowering strains have been criticised for being a bit bland and boring. Our Silver Haze Auto tries to reverse this trend. Those who prefer their strains to pack some flavour and punch will greatly appreciate this new cross. Crossing a stabilized auto flowering variety with super silver haze /kush cross has produced a plant with greater yields improved potency and a sought after taste. The high is all-round thanks to the indica influence. While still auto flowering and remaining small the plant will be larger and finish slightly later than our other autos.

INDOOR / OUTDOOR Indoor/Outdoor
TYPE Indica/Sativa Mix
PLANT HEIGHT Auto Dwarf up to 1m
FLOWERING TIME 75 days approx from seed
HARVEST June to Oct
YIELD Up to 200g per plant


Active Member
I purchased 15 seeds from $55 for 5 seeds (plus bonus seeds) I first germinated 5, all 5 cracked but only ended up with 3 growing, I then germinated the other 10, again all 10 popped but only ended up with 7 sprouting. So I have a total of 10 of these now now growing, 4 of them are in the veg room, the other six still sin the humidity dome waiting on tap root to pop out of the bottom of rockwool.

I germinate via cup of water putting seeds in the water till they crack, then place in damp paper towels in close able metal tins, once tap root is about 1/4" I place in soaked rockwool cubes and place in humidity dome.

So far seem to be a slow growing plant, waiting for a good growth spurt.

I will get some pics up soon.


Active Member
how long did it take yours to really start growing? Mine have been planted in soil now for a couple weeks and just seem to be very slow to take off.

Also I am running mine on 20/4 light schedule.


Well-Known Member
ill be honest it does have a slow take off, my best advice is you put your seedling directly in the size pot you want it to finish in. I did mine in a 3.75 gal pot and the first two weeks seemed like an eternity to take off..than all of a sudden (prob once roots filled the pot) it took off from 8 inch to 27 inch in the next two weeks


Active Member
I was hoping you would say that... was scared something was going with them. yeah I put mine right into 3gal pots, so they should be good to go.


Well-Known Member
I used t5 to start it, but after i saw pistils, prob after 2 and a half weeks, i put it under my 1000 watt hps which im sure helped with the rapid growth


Well-Known Member
oh don't worry then you'll be good to go man, it takes a while for the roots to fill 3 gal...good luck with yours i wish i had ten going lol


Active Member
LOL... I also starting under t5's... my veg room is all T5's, have a mixture of bulbs in it, so ... I got some bubble gum in the veg room and doing very well, same age as 3 of the ssha's


Active Member
I sparyed colloidal silver half male half female so had that and 2 other females under the light away from the rest 3rd grow with this super silver haze auto fem, must say i was over paying for the seed's and those 2 girls are only 3 weeks away and full of nice juicy seed's now, if you spary with colloidal silver do it from the 2rd week from them popping out of the ground, fully cover them with colloidal silver so they are dipping wet, I wont have to buy anymore of those seed's again as i have alot in those 2 female's. Great plant with great yeild's, nice taste and high to boot, Wouldnt grow anything else now004.jpg


Active Member
All my seeds are faminized, I would love to breed some seeds of this plant, but without a male I think I am screwed. Not 100% sure I understand what you did, as I know colliadal silver is used for making feminzed seeds, but again a male is needed.


Active Member
Now maybe its just coincidence but I placed 5 slowing rooting seedlings on a reptile heating mat, very low heat and seems to have done a nice job in getting them to root, 3 of the 5 are showing a small piece of tap root coming out the bottom of my rockwool, about the same time and only been on the pad for about 24 hours. Hoping the other to show up so i can pot them all at once and get them in the veg room at once.


Active Member
I don't know if it is just my plants, but these things having the slowest seedling growing times I have ever seen from any plant, better yet a 75 day auto.
I germinate my seeds as normal, they germinate quite fast, then they are placed in rockwool cubes. I then keep them in a humidity dome. I then wait for tap root to appear. Some of these are taking in excess of 2 week for that tap root to appear... Once a tap root appears I then plant the cube in a pot in soil.