Super Silver Haze by nongreenthumb


Well-Known Member
I've done a number of journals now, and I don't do much different now, but in my previous journals i never really totally exposed my methods.

This journal is going to track one strain from start to finish.

The strain ngt has chosen for this is one that is special, one for himself, ngt has mainly grown indicas, never really bothered with the sativas because of the prolonged flowering time.

Well ngt had some sativa and thought i'm pretty bored with this indica couchlock, fuck it lets go all out, lets grow some haze.

The haze variety I have picked for this although its not the strongest its one of the most famous types of hazes available.

Greenhouse super silver haze.



Well-Known Member
Today is the beginning, day1 ~ germination.

I've got 4 pieces of kitchen towel, 2 are wet 2 are dry.

I put the 2 wet ones on a plate and then empty my seeds onto the plate n wet towel. I then cover over with the dry towel, lightly pressing to soak up excess moisture from the wet towels. I then cover over with a plate and store away in a room temp cupboard.


Well-Known Member
I'll be watching of course. You should wait NGT till I get my Widows and we'll grow them simultaneously to compare flowering times. :P


Ditto. Seeing that I can't post just ditto, I filled in the empty space with this sentence.


Well-Known Member
Righteous, Ill toke to this grow, well tomorrow I will considering I cant until, after my PO meeting.


Well-Known Member
if you have any questions about nft i know a guy who had spoken to a guy who had a friend's brother who's sister used to use the nft teqnique,and he told me that you have to make sure that your ph is on, i hope that helps,so any other questions and im here for ya man.


New Member
Oh yum. Popcorn and twizzlers. :clap::clap::shock::grin:

I didn't know sativas had a prolonged flowering period but it only makes sense since they are so much larger. I'm interested in that strain also.
im in for the watch,from the beggining,i bought popcorn and twizzlers.start your grow.


New Member
Yes but I knew I guy who knew another guy, whose brother 's wife's friend's sister, said that it isn't so.:-|
if you have any questions about nft i know a guy who had spoken to a guy who had a friend's brother who's sister used to use the nft teqnique,and he told me that you have to make sure that your ph is on, i hope that helps,so any other questions and im here for ya man.