Super Silver Haze CFL Hydro Closet Grow.


Active Member
im lost on this one!!!:wall: the last pics sure did look like soil to me! and watering 2-3 A DAY! and with no air stone how are they getting oxygen???


Well-Known Member
Hey whats up dude, like I said I did sprinkle some soil on the top so the roots would not see any light cause if you were to stand above the plant and look closley you would be able to see a few roots. Im not quite sure how there getting oxygen I read somewhere that every time you water it pulls down oxygen into the root system, Like I said this is my first time doing this it just an experiment, I don't really care if it dies I got it for free and I have 10 other plants growing right now. I have had it this way for 3 weeks now and there hasent been any signs of stress or anything idk so far so good I guess I'm the only one whos ever done this? hah


Well-Known Member
I guess I see why you guy's are confused, basically I am using Hydroton as my medium. I got the clone stuck that fucker in there and just moved the pebbles around it, the roots are not sitting in water there just in the pot, actually there starting to come out the hole already where the water drains at the bottom of the pot. I dont know would this be considered aeroponics than? whatever it is it seems like its working, I hope it keeps working.


Active Member
im not sure what you would call that man! never seen it done! i would think that would be too long of time in air with no water but i would just be worried about stressing the plant or stunting growth some


Well-Known Member
yea idk so far shes responding well looking just like any other plant would, hope she stays strong.
OH MAN! I saw two really sick ideas in this grow. That reflector hanging over your Y adaptor CFL set up. That was sick! And then the hydroton filled tray. That plastic tray is an inexpensive alternative to hundred dollar flood trays man only you are doing it micro style. Looking forward to your grow. If I understand it right, a magnetic drive pump must be feeding those drip emmiters then goes back down to your rez? Looks AwEsOme bro!


Well-Known Member
haha thanks man!:) and you are exactly right!
OH MAN! I saw two really sick ideas in this grow. That reflector hanging over your Y adaptor CFL set up. That was sick! And then the hydroton filled tray. That plastic tray is an inexpensive alternative to hundred dollar flood trays man only you are doing it micro style. Looking forward to your grow. If I understand it right, a magnetic drive pump must be feeding those drip emmiters then goes back down to your rez? Looks AwEsOme bro!


Well-Known Member
Alright another update for you guy's and some good pictures I just took of the girl's yes girls plural I have another clone in the closet now thanks to my dad he hooked it up with a white widow clone he got from one of his buddys he works with so that was a nice suprise,:clap::bigjoint::hump: but anyways heres some pics let me know what you guys think.:weed: ill be getting more light too soon just in case anyone's wonderin about that.


Hey what's up drew420, I'm also in Riverside growing OG & Bubba Kush, I wanted to let you know that your SSH looks great. I was considering getting some seeds, but you have a magnificent looking clone. I also read that you have the OG Purple Kush. I was doin research on that, and wanted o ask you if that was a Real Strain. I smoke OG Kush and I've had some Purple Kush but never OG Purple Kush. Back to the thread..Your plant looks great. I'll be following this thread closely because I want SSH as my 3rd strain. PM, I need clones, I'll pay.


Well-Known Member
Hey what's up GeeBee, Thanks for the kind remarks, appreciate it. Yea when I drove down to Anaheim and picked up these clones, 4 of them the gentlemen said where "OG PURP" which I'm guessing is OG X Purpkush not sure what kind of purp actually(should of asked), could be granddaddy, purpleurkle, any kind, Im hopin it is a Purple kush. Kinda sucks because he dident have a piece of tape or anything on the cone itself with the name so there all mixed up, but well just have to play a little guessing came when harvest time comes around I guess, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to see the different characteristics and tell what is what. But anyways If you want I can get the dudes number for you if you want and you can call him up, I'm pretty sure he still has some. Or if you want I could get you some White Widow Clones 15$ each
Get back at me. Pm me if you feel more comfortable.
Hey what's up drew420, I'm also in Riverside growing OG & Bubba Kush, I wanted to let you know that your SSH looks great. I was considering getting some seeds, but you have a magnificent looking clone. I also read that you have the OG Purple Kush. I was doin research on that, and wanted o ask you if that was a Real Strain. I smoke OG Kush and I've had some Purple Kush but never OG Purple Kush. Back to the thread..Your plant looks great. I'll be following this thread closely because I want SSH as my 3rd strain. PM, I need clones, I'll pay.


Well-Known Member
5:50am Tuesday March 09 Another update for everyone that's been cool enough to follow along:blsmoke:

So last night I went to my local hydro store to purchase a larger CFL mogul socket because I had a 65 watt CFL Brinks security light that I wanted to use, but turns out when I got home and plug my light in it doesn't turn on so im like wtf? even went to wal-mart and got another light STILL didn't work, well it turns out that my dumbass didn't get the right light apparentley because it wasent the light socket itself because I went back to the store and he plugged a different light right into it a much bigger light that put my baby ass light I already had to shame. So he HOOKED ME UP he gave me a whole kit for 40$, a 150watt daylight CFL with the reflector and the plug, so I'm pretty happy with that , anyways here's a few pics.


Well-Known Member
Nice, man. Your plants look good. I'm not completely sure how the soil/hydro mix is working without pluggin all your pumps, but I goota say, your plant seems to be doing fine...

Ever think about a more intense light?


Well-Known Member
I have def thought about a more intense light, I know that HPS is the way to go believe me. this is just a budjet grow right now, I work construction and its slower than shit right and haven't had any extra money to spend unfortunatley, but I have 10 other plants at a friends house that we are working on, and best believe were getting an hps for that grow. As for the soil/hydro honestly I can't tell you what the fuck is going on, but I can tell you that I put that fucker in almost 4 weeks ago just like that and there hasn't been any problems since lets hope it stays that way. And I got some more cfl's I plan to add in later in flowering.


Well-Known Member
I have def thought about a more intense light, I know that HPS is the way to go believe me. this is just a budjet grow right now, I work construction and its slower than shit right and haven't had any extra money to spend unfortunatley, but I have 10 other plants at a friends house that we are working on, and best believe were getting an hps for that grow. As for the soil/hydro honestly I can't tell you what the fuck is going on, but I can tell you that I put that fucker in almost 4 weeks ago just like that and there hasn't been any problems since lets hope it stays that way. And I got some more cfl's I plan to add in later in flowering.
Maybe, when this grow is over, some of that smoke can transform itself into some scratch for a new light. :bigjoint:

Good luck, brah.



Well-Known Member
Isss all goood, I'll have an HPS sooner than later, and this isin't my first time growing with CFL's Guarantee you if you follow this one till the end you'll see some sticky fat buds.:leaf: