Super Skunk Auto Seedling in Bad Shape Help please


So Im doing an hydro setup for the first time... My ladies are still seedling so I jave them under 2 (2FT) T5s HO UNTIL I move them into my cabinet with 600W MH.

In rest are a little older.
Why is the are the coloylodon leaves turning yellow... The new growth looks mangled as well... Is something wrong with her? The next oldest has some brown spotting on the tips of the leaves... Whats going on there? The rest of these guys are taking a long time to pop there little heads out.
Should I put the oldest one in the cabinet to flourish?

Should I only be feeding kelp, pro bacteria, and root 66? No nutes really... Why is the oldest yellow and managled... Deficiency?



How often are you watering? And are you giving nutes? Looks a little like they are either getting to much nutes or to much water ?
Moved them under 600 WATT MH about 3ft away. No longer hand feeding hoping the roots chase the popping water bubbles.
Will spray very lightly the RRs in a couple days if they get 2 dry.

Currently the Res Contains 11-12 Gals PH is 6.12
Hydroguard Bene Bacteria (Full Strength for 1 Week seedling)
Root 66 Root Stimulator (Half Strength)
Magic Cal (25 ML)

(No Boost, Grow, Bloom, or Thrive Alive Red/Green)

Thinking the yellowing seedling will probably die. And one is trying to recover from nute burn... Will watch closely if it gets worse I'll change the Res again. Hoping at least 3 out of the 4 will be viable plants. WENTTHROUGH 20 SUPER SKUNK AUTO seeds to get them... I personally killed 2 but the rest never sprouted...



Well-Known Member
In the N defs I've seen, more of the entire leaf get pale, then yellow...the tips of yours are going yellow before the rest of the leaf becomes pale. Might be something other than N def. You might want to post your EC or ppm.


I haven't been checking the EC honestly and I'm not sure of the PPM last I checked it it was like 80... My tap water is excellent with a base ppm of 58 which was really surprising. My net cups were a little dry so I added a 1 1/2 gallons to the res so the bubbles reach a little better.
Several of the roots are of the nute burn 2 week old is already in the . water and are looking healthy and hairy. Dispite the slight burnt tips seems to be the healthiest and is working on its 4th node.

