Super Soil Emergency


Active Member
So my trash can lid flew off during a strorm and the batch has been sittin there lidless for a good month or so! My friend is an idiot ill leave it at that. It was already cooked before this happened. Can I re soak this SS batch and re activate the benifitcial bacteria or is this wash?


Well-Known Member
Just put some more water in it should be fine unless bugs found there way it. But there's ways of dealing with bugs 2 so you will be fine. Since you put in a barrel probably only half of it dried out. Or is it all dry 2 the bone?
Just my 2 cents.

Sub you can help this guy nobody is helping his question.


Active Member
Its bone dry thats for sure. I think I can delute the soil again and the benefitial bacteria will acivate but my real question is, should I re cook the mix a good 30 days or can I fill my buckets half ss and half roots, water them and grow away?


Active Member
I would like a logical explaination why before I do so. Bugs are not just the only issue either, say for example you plant a seed in the the ss ready buckets and water them. If those benefitial bacteria aren't ready yet, thats bad news.. they become more benifitial over time after being deluted. A good 30 days of sittin under the sun in a lidded trash can will do great! Please anybody who has delt with and knows the super soil mix in and out lemme know whats up!!


Well-Known Member
Its dirt stop making something out of nothing unless it rained for 30 days its not a problem


Sir Stickybuds

Well-Known Member
my supersoil was half ass cooked and since been wet n dry and wet n dry and wet n dry and wet and dry, its still plenty effective. like he says, its dirt, just use it


Active Member
I really appreciate the time guys! I can never be too careful but I will take subs advice any day. Happy grows guys and congrats on those new strains sub!! One love!


Well-Known Member
yeah, my soil sat in direct sunlight in southern california, i worried the heat killed the microherd, but the soil still works wonderfuly

just add a little water, im sure you'll be fine