super soil mistakes and not cooking ?


i thought you were supposed to mix it constantly so for the first week and a half or so id mix it around from the top with a hoe. it did feel warm once when i felt it after mixing but now it doesn't seem that there is any life or any sign of anything happening ?

How do i know the soil is cooking ? its moist and in the garage in cali so its not getting below 40 degrees in there and its on top of a mat so its not on the concrete floor. is there some kind of test i can do or should i be fine ? i was told on reddit to add recharge to it but i wanna ask here first.

recipe is:2 large bags of a high-quality organic potting soil with coco fiber and mycorrhizae (i.e., your base soil)
6.25 to 12.5 lbs of organic worm castings
1.25lbs or 20 ounces steamed bone meal
1.25lbs or 20 ounces bloom bat guano
1.25lbs or 20 ounces blood meal
3/4 lbs rock phosphate
3/16 cup or 3 tablespoons Epsom Salts
1/8 cup or 2 tablespoons sweet lime (dolomite)
1/8 cup or 2 tablespoons azomite (trace elements)
1.5 teaspoons powdered humic acid

everything listed here is in the soil nothing more nothing less, please help

also noticed my hand does feel weird after touching the soil so i may be allergic to something inside like it feels hot lol probably just my hypochondria
i thought you were supposed to mix it constantly so for the first week and a half or so id mix it around from the top with a hoe. it did feel warm once when i felt it after mixing but now it doesn't seem that there is any life or any sign of anything happening ?

How do i know the soil is cooking ? its moist and in the garage in cali so its not getting below 40 degrees in there and its on top of a mat so its not on the concrete floor. is there some kind of test i can do or should i be fine ? i was told on reddit to add recharge to it but i wanna ask here first.

recipe is:2 large bags of a high-quality organic potting soil with coco fiber and mycorrhizae (i.e., your base soil)
6.25 to 12.5 lbs of organic worm castings
1.25lbs or 20 ounces steamed bone meal
1.25lbs or 20 ounces bloom bat guano
1.25lbs or 20 ounces blood meal
3/4 lbs rock phosphate
3/16 cup or 3 tablespoons Epsom Salts
1/8 cup or 2 tablespoons sweet lime (dolomite)
1/8 cup or 2 tablespoons azomite (trace elements)
1.5 teaspoons powdered humic acid

everything listed here is in the soil nothing more nothing less, please help

also noticed my hand does feel weird after touching the soil so i may be allergic to something inside like it feels hot lol probably just my hypochondria
Rock Phosphate
Bone Meal
Bloom bat guano
These are all high phosphorus inputs and you most likely don't need them. I've been having my soil tested and I get more than enough P just from compost. I'm not trying to talk down to you or anything, but I saw that nobody responded over the last couple of days. If you really want to see your soil get warm, use bokashi. If you make it at home, it's a lot cheaper. Anyways, there is more than one way to skin a cat. So, I'm just suggesting one way.
You made a terrible mistake man! Lol.

It's a shame my grow guide isn't up at the top page anymore cause you could've used it.

You never want to buy pre-made potting soil.

Also "cooking soil" is super unnecessary, cooks off some of the beneficial bacteria and nematodes that you want from your worm castings, burns off a bunch of nitrogen from your fertilizers, and you're going way fucking overboard on the amount of fertilizers you're using.

Sorry to chastise you my friend. You played a part in ruining the environment though with your "super soil" project and you should get shamed a little bit for it.

But anyways, for next.

Mix 50/50
Soiless component/aeration

Soiless component can be: Peat Moss, Coco Coir, Pine Bark Fines, or any potting soil substrate substitute that's similar.

Aeration can be: Perlite, Rice Hulls, pumice

If using peat moss you need a calcium carbonate source to balance your pH. I reccomend oyster shell flour but you can also use calcitic lime or dolomite lime. Use about 2-4 teaspoons of whatever you use per gallon of soil.

Mix that shit all together.

That is your base to start off with. Now around 15% of the final volume of your soil needs to be worm castings or some form of compost; vermicompost (worm castings) are always your best first bet. Homemade or locally supplied are best. The fresher the better.

Say you need 7 cubic feet of soil easy mix would be:

3 cubic feet of Peat Moss
3 cubic feet of Rice Hulls
1 cubic of worm castings

2 cups of lime or oyster shell flour

This will make a strong base mix to start from. You can plant seeds or young clones into this mix.

To make this base into a soil for plants about two to four weeks old:

Neem Cake (1/2 tbsp per gallon of soil)
Kelp Meal (1 tbsp per gallon)
Fish Bone Meal (1/2 tbsp per gallon)

To make this base for plants in late veg/early flower:

Neem Cake (1 tbsp per gallon)
Alfalfa Meal (2 teaspoons per gallon of soil)
Fish Bone Meal (1 tbsp per gallon)
Kelp Meal (1 tbsp per gallon)
Langbeinite aka K-Mag aka Sul-Po-Mag (1/2 tbsp per gallon)

If you cant source Langbeinite than get some Sulfate of Potash that shit is at any home depot style store. You can also swap out the fish bone meal for bone meal if you want.

I reccomend using crab shell meal (1 tbsp per gallon of soil) if you're going any plants that flower for longer than 9 weeks.

You can plant directly into the mix. Top dress with 1/2 to a full cup of kelp meal and worm castings (cup or 1/2 cup of each) per plant depending on your pot size.