Super Soil Recipe


Active Member
Hey everyone!

In a couple of months I will have my first go at a super soil. I am closely following Subcools super soil recipe, although my batch is smaller, and I have applied brand names to the items, with exact measurable amounts. I would like to know if you guys think this is a good soil recipe. I will either use pro-mix or 2 to 1 ratio of foxfarms ocean forest and light warrior as my other soil medium to mix with the super soil. I will let it sit for 60 days and wet it down using an AACT made from 1/2 cup EWC and 1/2 Cup Ancient forest soil ammendment and 4 tablespoons molasses.

2 Bags FoxFarm’s Ocean Forest (1.5 cu)
1 Bag FoxFarm’s Light Warrior (1 cu)
1 Bag Wiggle Worm Earth Worm Castings (15 lbs)
3 Cups Indonesian Bat Guano
3 Cups Dr. Earth Bone Meal
3 Cups Dr. Earth Blood Meal
1 Cup Dr. Earth Kelp Meal
1 Cup Dr. Earth Alfalfa Meal
3 Tablespoons Montery Epsom Salts
2 Tablespoons Dolomite Lime
2 Cups Espoma Rock Phosphate
2 Tablespoons Down to Earth Azomite
1.5 Teaspoons BioAg TM-7

I will apply the same tea used to wet down the medium a couple times during veg and flower, along with a couple nutrient teas consisting of alfalfa/kelp meal, and also giving some Protekt silicon during veg, and Bioag tm-7 + bioag ful-power here and there. What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
IMHO you're better off going with the Pro Mix. No sense buying something with nutrients in it (Foxfarm), then adding more of the same.


Active Member
haha this is funny because I actually came to this conclusion yesterday, this and knowing that Pro-Mix has NO BUGS WHATSOEVER! So I will do a little re-adjustment of my recipe. I looked at vics supersoil recipe since his uses promix or sunshine #2, and I made a couple of changes. I am just worried about it being too hot and what not, though I know it needs to only be 50%~ of the pot.
1 Bail Pro-Mix
1 Bag Wiggle Worm Earth Worm Castings
3 Cups Indonesian Bat Guano
6 Cups Dr. Earth Bone Meal
2 Cups Dr. Earth Blood Meal
2 Cups Dr. Earth Kelp Meal
2 Cups Dr. Earth Alfalfa Meal
1.25 Cups Montery Epsom Salts
3 Cups Dolomite Lime
2 Cups Espoma Rock Phosphate
1 Cup Down to Earth Azomite
1.5 Teaspoons BioAg TM-7

WHat do you think? Should I throw in anything else? Maybe more EWC or maybe Ancient Forest Soil Amendment? Please tell me what you think as I will be getting the supplies in about a month to start this. ANy help would be greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
That's a very good list, and I kind of agree on it being a little too hot. I use Super Plant Tonic for my source of beneficial bacteria and fungi. IMHO the Ancient Forest is kind of pricey. With the SPT you have more control over the rate of breakdown of nutrients. Because you add just a little (water in), then only more if needed.

I say that, because it's of a known level and known types of micro life. You avoid having a spike or bloom in those micro life that can breakdown, or release nutrients too quickly. You also avoid having something unwelcome like hostile spores, or bugs showing up.


Active Member
The only reason I am using the above ingredients is because they are locally available and I dont like ordering things online. What are the drawbacks of it being too hot? Would it simply require more breakdown time or will it just always be too hot? I dont mind waiting even up to 60 days for this soil to cook as I am a very patient and want to do things right. I also plan on wetting the mix down with an ACT consisting of EWC, Ancient forest and Molasses. I would like to get the Super Plant Tonic, but it isn't locally available.


Well-Known Member
The drawbacks of being too nutrient hot (too much available because of over activity of microlife, and over abundance of nutrients), you'll stunt plant growth from the git go, and it can even kill your new starts. So, it's always best to let it cook for at least 45 days (60 days is perfect), then still cut / mix it with other nute-less soil, mellow compost, or peat moss, by doing layers.

Nute less on the bottom, then a small layer of super soil, repeat for a few layers (until you fill half the pot), then a mix of 75 % nute less, to 25 % super soil to fill the top half. That will ensure no shock from nutrient overload (if the soil is too hot), or competition from soil with too much micro life in it (if a spike or bloom in micro life occurs). The Super Plant Tonic sells on Ebay, so if you're in the USA, it's easy to come by. They're even running some sales this week, I think.

Good luck with your super soil, and if you use the Ancient Forest, make sure it's bug free, and free of unwelcome organisms, by digging into the middle of the bag, collecting a beer cup full, and planting something in it, like vegetable seeds or something (never risk good cannabis seeds), to ensure it's good to go. I've heard of more than one person getting root rot, after using it lately.

Seems like the big nute companies always start out right, but then end up trying to rush production, bagging stuff that's too wet, or being unwilling to deal with pests (and pass them on to you), or cut corners to make that extra buck.


Active Member
I see you are saying to layer the pot with the super soil. My original plan was to fill up a small put about 1/4 or 1/3 the way with super soil, put in a little promix, then put the clone in and fill it up the rest of the way with promix, so that the plants roots will grow down into the super soil as it gets bigger. Then transplant this to a pot filled 1/2 with super soil, and the top half being promix. What do you think about doing this method?


Well-Known Member
^^ sounds good, I'd add some extra perlite to that top fill layer, so it doesn't compact, and slow or prevent, plenty of oxygen getting down to the root zone.


New Member
I was wondering if this is a good bloom soil recipe;
1 bag Happy Frog soil 2cuft 51.4 quarts
8 quarts of perlite
1/2 cup of dolomite lime
2 cups of steamed bone meal
2 tbs of humic acid
8 quarts of earth worm castings
2 tbs mycor powder
1/3 cup of Epsom salt
1 cup of soft rock phosphate

I ask because I am still uncertain of the measurements of each component. What is the base equation for a super soil?

thanks and have a Happy Easter!