Mine smells like ammonia, but it is the roots organic that smells like that, I just got 2 joints off a plant veged for 3 months... I mite have to stop growing, i put every thing i had into this grow, and RToots organic Fucked me hard.... Next year when i get my funds up, I am going to grow some bomb ass weed in super soil made with fox farm ocean forest and happy frog soil, Always had great results intill i took all your guys advise and swicthed to roots organic and got screwed.... than I was dumb enough to try to use roots organic again because everyone says it is so good. F- taht bull shit, back to what works next year. I should of know better than to use soil that smells like window cleaner right out of the bag..... live and learn i guess.
Noob here but I'm under the impression that so many people use Roots Organic with no issues that your issue can't be just the soil (unless you got some freak bag of toxic soil somehow.) Curious about a couple things:
Plain Roots Organic or the 707 version?
Did you use Subcool Super Soil recipe or did use it right out of the bag with nothing added?
Did she veg like normal?
Were there any issues early on with the grow?
How big was she after 3 months of veg?
Did anything else change or literally just the soil?
What strain was it and how long did you flower for?
FWIW, I haven't noticed any smell at all, even when mixing it. I was making small batches though, only 30 gal worth. Maybe my sense of smell just sucks.