Super Soil?????????????


Active Member
I recently made my first batch of SS. I did everything right, up until the very last thing (obviously). When I added the water to the soil I got it straight from the water hose and ofcaorse its loaded with chlorine. Did I screw this up.


Well-Known Member
No you didn't, if you could grow plants outside with the hose water then you will be fine, Chlorine levels should not be high enough to kill beneficial bacteria from the house.
Unless your getting the water from your pool or something.


Well-Known Member
Whatever amount of Chlorine you added by mistake will just "evaporate" out by itself. Amounts of Chlorine typically found in "City" water supplies are not desirable - but they are not dangerousely toxic either! In the future, let your water sit (or better yet, run a bubbler!) for 24 hours before using it.


Active Member
Thanks guys.......Killing the beneficial bacteria is exactly what I was worried about..... Thanks again.


New Member
Nice surprise about this shorter form. Can you tell us what it is you are talking/writing about?Has any info. about this shorter form been posted before (and i just missed it)?