Super stealth grow Idea


Well-Known Member
if you used the cooling device already in the coke machine you would think that it would get too cold in there, i mean what temp are those things set at like 32 degrees (dont quote me on that) is there a way you could set it to not run so cold?


Well-Known Member
I'm not totally sure but it is coming with an Instruction book that explains the thermostat in further detail so hopefully it can be worked out easily. As for co2 I'm thinking of just setting some dry ice in the unit like a couple tiny pieces once a day any feed back on quantity would be helpful.


Active Member
Wow, that is a perfect idea. if it were me i would knock everything out exsept the colling unit. this is already intigrated with alot of fans so you could easily switch some of those to exhaust and to intake air ( you could probably take a few carbon filters to those fans as well ) as for you SOG its an excellent idea. for that amount of space i would say 2-3 mothers on BOTTOM and clone on TOP. reason being is if any light leaks into your mothers, it wont matter casue you will be keeping them in veg stage (this creates a pro con situation, becasue if light leaks down, it will leak upwards aswell) but since you fixtures will most likely have reflectors, not much of that light will leak. as for the actual coke machine lighting up from the outside, forget it. as to solve your super stealth problem if someone wants a soda, tell them you are trying to renivate it and it dosent work. (to make this even more belivable, you could put some classic COCA-COLA or classic pepsi signs on there to make it look like an older machine that may need renivating.


Active Member
now that i think about it, you could take the lighting element out but keep a single rack for some sodas, that way, if someone wants to 'buy' a soda, they could. increasing your stealthyness. if i was a cop and inspected your house and bought a soda from that machine, i would never think to look in there.

once again AMAZING idea


Well-Known Member
Good to see another stealth grower, love the idea. Once you get it, take plenty of pics for a better opinion on the setup. I bought a cab. online and the setup is efficient for what I think your trying to do. Maybe it could give you some ideas. Check it out. it could help.:joint:


New Member
Theres no reason why this shouldnt work , just plan it out good before the sledge hammer comes out !!
Eliminate the major problems 1st -

Ventilation, Light , Temp , access , etc.
Once the main elements have been adhered to, you can work round the rest !!

Good luck on this one , its a mint idea !!


Well-Known Member
Good idea!The cost to buy one new would be high but you can buy one from the 70's off ebay all day long.