SuperCloset Grow Tent


New Member
Hey guys, I know that superclosets grow boxes are ripoffs and are not worth the price but what about their grow tents. I was looking at their grow tents and they look pretty good. They have metal bars that are very secure and all these other features that I like. But the problem is that it is 330 dollars. I was looking at the 3' by 3' one. So can you guys give me your opinions on it, whether its over priced or there is another tent that has better features for even a cheaper price. If there is can you guys lead me to the site. Watch the video they have and tell me what you think. Thank You


Well-Known Member
dude a 3x3 with metal poles are about $100 on amazon. If you're willing to spend that much, get a gorilla tent which is the best in the business.
Hey guys, I know that superclosets grow boxes are ripoffs and are not worth the price but what about their grow tents. I was looking at their grow tents and they look pretty good. They have metal bars that are very secure and all these other features that I like. But the problem is that it is 330 dollars. I was looking at the 3' by 3' one. So can you guys give me your opinions on it, whether its over priced or there is another tent that has better features for even a cheaper price. If there is can you guys lead me to the site. Watch the video they have and tell me what you think.
Thank You
smh. Why does everybody call these things ripoffs? Candy at the store is a ripoff... New cars are ripoffs... etc. You have to take it for what it is, and thats a ready-to-go system. When you order something like this, your paying for the convenience of getting up and going quickly, not because it's the absolute best method of doing something. I know plenty of people using superclosets and are having some of the most satisfying yields of all, but people whom criticize it generally (a) have never used one / (b) had user error and blamed the system / (c) misc other reasons that never tend to be 'THEIR' fault. It's like your on a flight to another country and you decide to catch a different plane and weather gets bad so you have a layover. Whose fault is it that you got their late? You for catching a different place other than scheduled or the airline for taking precautions?