SuperCloset's, aka ~3600$ growbox....


I have the cash right now to buy atleast one, we wont get into details... Do you think that it is worth it... Does anyone have experience?
I would get c02 and all the possible options... This bad boy is 22 plants recommended. 4.5 feet tall... 72Cu Feet... Possible to do a rotation to harvest weekly By putting in 24 plant spots in the 2 seperate areas.. Doing VEG under the 400w and starting with 4 plants then going to 8 then 12 then 16 then 20 then 24 so that by the time i have all 24 plants in.... I am ready to harvest the first 4 plants i put in. Then when i put in the next four plants it only sits for one week before i harvest it... If i run clones under a 12/12 from start i think this will work... Does you?


Well-Known Member
you should just buy a 20 ft shipping container and bury it in the back yard. might even come out to the same price if you dug the hole yourself.


lol thats guys pretty smart tho..Theres definitly some suckers out there that have bought his bullshit. Oh but no i wouldnt buy it.