supercomputer on jeopardy


Active Member
Anyone catch jeopardy last night? IBM built this computer to take on the top two players and just handed it to them. I think it only answered 1 question wrong... skynet anyone?

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
I didn't see the show, but they covered the machine on NOVA science now the other day. It's not that it actually knows everything, but they created a sweet algorithm that narrows it down to kind of a very educated guess. Very cool. Still VERY far away from machines being able to think like humans. Thank fuck for that.


Active Member
the humans kept it interesting. They were close the first day, the second day they just werent able to compete. I thought it was kind of cool


Well-Known Member
it is impressive, a very good speech recognition/natural language interface
it's very good at specific task(read context), BUT not so good at other tasks(i think)
did you notice one of the questions it got wrong? gave the same answer that another player just gave
keyed in to the host talking, sucked at understanding another player's speech


Well-Known Member
I thought that was stupid. Of course a supercomputer is going to win. You fill it up with terabytes of data, then it's a matter of speed. Even if the humans know the answer, they cannot recall it or buzz in as quickly as a computer. So what have they proven with this? That they can build a supercomputer that can play on Jeopardy? We knew that already.


In my opinion, the only reason it really won was because it was able to buzz in much much much faster than the humans.

it is impressive, a very good speech recognition/natural language interface
it's very good at specific task(read context), BUT not so good at other tasks(i think)
did you notice one of the questions it got wrong? gave the same answer that another player just gave
keyed in to the host talking, sucked at understanding another player's speech
Growone, do you even know what you're talking about?
The computer has no speech recognition what so ever, Alex Trebek directly stated all of the questions are sent to it in text files.


Well-Known Member
I thought that was stupid. Of course a supercomputer is going to win. You fill it up with terabytes of data, then it's a matter of speed. Even if the humans know the answer, they cannot recall it or buzz in as quickly as a computer. So what have they proven with this? That they can build a supercomputer that can play on Jeopardy? We knew that already.
you're right in one sense, it was a big bad database setup, that was a mismatch
the impressive part was the speech recognition, this is a step from most previous systems that i'm aware of
i have noticed some improved speech interfaces at some call centers in the last year
the technology has been improving noticably

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
I thought that was stupid. Of course a supercomputer is going to win. You fill it up with terabytes of data, then it's a matter of speed. Even if the humans know the answer, they cannot recall it or buzz in as quickly as a computer. So what have they proven with this? That they can build a supercomputer that can play on Jeopardy? We knew that already.
It's far from stupid. It doesn't just recall an answer. Questions are tricky. It get many answers that it could potentially be, then uses deductive logic to weed out the ones that aren't correct.


Well-Known Member
its a data base..........there is no guess work to it..........stored on HD........women never leave shit alone.........................................question why is the computer fucked up...................answer women never leave shit alone................duh


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, the only reason it really won was because it was able to buzz in much much much faster than the humans.

Growone, do you even know what you're talking about?
The computer has no speech recognition what so ever, Alex Trebek directly stated all of the questions are sent to it in text files.
i guess not, didn't watch the show, just the news about the results
if it was being sent by text file, it's a much lower form of achievement
still pretty good, just natural language interface as opposed to speech recognition
but not that an impressive achievement, not with the big deal being made about the contest


Well-Known Member
There is a lot more to it than a simple database and a hard drive.

There is more than 1 million lines of C and some Fortran mainframe code. The idea that IBM has created a super computer that can beat a human is somehow easy is a reflection on how well they did their job.


Well-Known Member
There is a lot more to it than a simple database and a hard drive.

There is more than 1 million lines of C and some Fortran mainframe code. The idea that IBM has created a super computer that can beat a human is somehow easy is a reflection on how well they did their job.
osssst it was a joke...did you see info on data base and the question....snicker


Well-Known Member
first computer Chess games would get locked in a mode and if you beat it you could use the same moves everytime to beat the years went by they started getting better..........I held my own for awhile and way....Im not a strong player but I like chess watching the computers expand on playing chess was cool.