supercropping fuckup HELP!


Well-Known Member
alright heres the new deal

i was crimping my main stalk and the outer herd opened on both sides, wtf!

shes not completely leaning over and she seems alright to an extent but its a shitty feeling seeing the inner cellulose come out and seeing an opening of the outer herd

has this happened to anyone? will she recover?

fat sam

Well-Known Member
yeah it will recover, if it was bad then the leaves might look a little fucked up but as long as its attached it will usually recover, look up my vid weed tent farming part 2 on youtube and you will see what i mean


Well-Known Member
yeah it will recover, if it was bad then the leaves might look a little fucked up but as long as its attached it will usually recover, look up my vid weed tent farming part 2 on youtube and you will see what i mean

i feeling a recovery now also, i did the crimping right before the lights were turning on for the night and it picked itself up more then where i put it down alread, shes fully attached and everything just slightly exposed on the left and right( the front and back being where my thumb and forefinger were applying the pressure) im saying shes money but we shall see in the morning.

it ws just scarryyy, i usall tie down but i supercropped one of the others and had amazing results so i figured i was pro haha and could do the same. fingers crosseddd:o


Well-Known Member
as for the video, i saw what you did, it looks similar it did fall but i see your not to worried about the falling over so im saying were good. thanks duuu


Well-Known Member
I broke some on my first grow, but they recovered. I think I duct taped it for support. You have to begin pinching softly and build up the pressure. Squeeze that puppy 20-30 times to soften before attempting to bend. Best wishes and many blessings. :peace:


Well-Known Member
yeah, i actually had a similar experience two days ago... i pinched the main stalk to the point of total collapse (obviously not on purpose). It bent over all the way and looked fucked up. Checked it out today, after having propped it up to keep it straight, fucking FULLY HEALED, all thats left is the bruise that will soon be replaced by a fat knot. i tried to resnap it even, but that shit is super strong *(and woody as shit)


Well-Known Member
fucking bitch died on me.... looks like i meant to hack her fucking head off, everythig was curling and it was looking like shit so i axed the head right off. luckily shes rooted very well and has two other stalks that were rivaling her and maybe they.ll take over and grow fat, time will tell......


Well-Known Member
did the same thing with one of mine, was barely hangin on. i stood it up and proped it there with a paper clip. dont ask how, idk... but after a few days it was reatatched and good enough to support itself.

Nancy Botwinz Budz

Active Member
I have popped open the sides like that and had no problems. If I actually cause a break that cuts across the stem rather than split it I have splinted the branch back up with duct tape and small sticks if needed. I have even used band-aids lol. I have small hands and squeezing small things hurts my finger tips so I just pinch it til it crunches, even if the sides pop and then bend it over. Plants are pretty durable and they will always find a way to surprise you.