supercropping help!


can i supercrop my main stem near the top? reason being is that my plant has limited upward space and im trying to let the rest of the canopy catch up before i send it into flowering, im 2 months vegging right now with a height of about 22", anyone>?:leaf:


yeah but if i supercropped it wouldnt it do the exact same thing if it grows our horizontally? i dont really wanna top my plant and lose the main cola


Active Member
IMG-20110730-00156.jpgit wont completly grow sideways. it will same some room for you, how much im not sure. super cropping is usually done to all branches as to get a higher yield. make thos branches stretch out for more light exposure. how much room to u have to go in hieght? @ 22 inches your plants have the ability to grow 44 - 60 or so inches. 2 to 3 times there veg height. i vegged for a month to 16 inches and they stopped @36 inches


Well-Known Member
Go ahead and crop the main stem, in my current grow my Lemon Skunk stretched way up into the light during the first few weeks of flower and I supper cropped the main step and dropped it almost 1'.

Check my grow, its in the signature; I am now into about 35 days of flower and the main stem is doing a wicked left turn with buds doing another left turn to the light. Your plants will be fine, this is better than frying the hell out of the main cola. Surely this does stop growth until the plant heals up but that is what you are looking to do.:o

Grab the main stem and pinch and twist until the stem drops, then place where you wish. I like to tie up the branch/stem as it relieves some of the weight on the damaged area, the plant will heal and start to grow again in 5 -7 days.
