supercropping problem


so i tried to supercrop one of my plants and its been about a week and a half and the whole branch that was supercroped is still alive but its just small and hasnt really changed at all, the leaves are kind of retarted looking, the rest of the plant is really outgrowing it, will it come back to life?photo-1.jpgphoto-2.jpgphoto.jpgthe pictures dont do it enough the justice the rest of my plant which is pretty much other top is much larger than the supercropped branch


Well-Known Member
The whole point in supercropping is to make the rest of the plant grow bushier. It does nothing for the branch itself. When you super crop it increases the auxin production below the damaged area and tell sthe rest of the plant to increase growth. Dont worry. Also I see no signs of nute burn so dont change a thing.


The whole point in supercropping is to make the rest of the plant grow bushier. It does nothing for the branch itself. When you super crop it increases the auxin production below the damaged area and tell sthe rest of the plant to increase growth. Dont worry. Also I see no signs of nute burn so dont change a thing.
thanks mr ganja, i do have a few leaves with very slight white tips but not a big deal, i just did 2 waterings in a row with nutrients theyre due up for a flush tonight, so will that supercropped branch not grow any taller?


thanks mr ganja, i do have a few leaves with very slight white tips but not a big deal, i just did 2 waterings in a row with nutrients theyre due up for a flush tonight, so will that supercropped branch not grow any taller?
ha whoops i mean thank you bigv lol