Supernatural Nutrient Schedule


Active Member
Hello all,

I am using supernatural brand grow aqua hydro fertilizer in my system; unfortunately, I can't seem to figure out the feed schedule for this specific brand. I checked their website, as well as searching rollitup and I can't seem to find anything about when to start feeding. I have 7 day old seedlings right now. Any advice would be appreciated.


Active Member
Thanks for the response; that's good to know. I just stumbled across some in the horticulture center at my school so I nabbed it, not knowing anything other than that it is an organic hydro nute. I used about 1/3 the recommended dose in my first feed, which was yesterday; i just dont know if I should feed every water, or what, you know?


Well-Known Member
ya thats tough to say just because i dont know that nutrient. the nice thing about hydro is the fact that your plants will tell you if something is wrong really fast so keep a close eye on yellowing leafs if its too much, just flush your system and try 1/6th the dose even 1/8th


Active Member
Haha, I like your avatar. They responded fine to 1/3 strength, and are doing great. My only real question left is how often do I feed?

In general, though, thank you for the advice. Your problem is mine, unfortunately because I don't know the brand either.


Uses the Rollitup profile
I don't believe Supernatural is organic, it's some strong chemicals. You should be able to find a feeding schedule with a simple search. If not, just use half of what the label says, or less at first.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
do you have a ppm meter? cause you can just decide on your ppm and then monitor your res. Feed whenever it has dropped noticably, and try and maintain a somewhat steady level increasing the ppm slowly over time to see what the plants like.


Well-Known Member
Hello all,

I am using supernatural brand grow aqua hydro fertilizer in my system; unfortunately, I can't seem to figure out the feed schedule for this specific brand. I checked their website, as well as searching rollitup and I can't seem to find anything about when to start feeding. I have 7 day old seedlings right now. Any advice would be appreciated.

You didn't search very hard did you?

Start off at 1/4 recommended strength and build up slowly.


Active Member
Hey, thanks for the help, snide comments aside. Now i'm getting somewhere! Unfortunately, I'm using a tray system...meaning no res and completely unautomated. I suppose I'll have to adapt the feed schedule to that. I'm seriously getting annoyed with it, so I might just go with an ebb and flow or something else after this grow.


Well-Known Member
Hey, thanks for the help, snide comments aside. Now i'm getting somewhere! Unfortunately, I'm using a tray system...meaning no res and completely unautomated. I suppose I'll have to adapt the feed schedule to that. I'm seriously getting annoyed with it, so I might just go with an ebb and flow or something else after this grow.

n/p bro. I just stuck the title you chose for this thread into this search engine I use--I think it's called "The Gooble" or something hah ha my wife set up the link for me in my "favorites"--and it spit out the link right below the link to this thread.

How cool is that?

Yeah it's a problem when you're trying to use these super-concentrated nutrients in a small grow. Get a lab pipette to measure the nutes into the smallest volume of water you can get away with. If you mix up 20gals, it'll start going green and algeous(?) on you before you get half way through it. You'll probably need a PPM meter too.


Active Member
Their website also has the feeding schedule.

I've used supernatural for awhile now. I always started with 1/4-1/2 a tsp on my young ones, then built up slowly. But this also depends on what your waters like. The stuff works amazing. And very had to screw up. Just don't over do it, like everyone said. PPM meter does help lots. I follow the feeding schedule almost religiously. Only other products i add is nitrozyme for a foliar feed.