Supersillybilly's Light Experiment


Well-Known Member
Mint that then bill woudnt you say they finished a week early?
8week our time is just other 10 theres, how was the trich production last few weeks?


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1811577View attachment 1811576

Well guys the experiment is finished. Ive just weighed in after 6 days of drying, Im going to cure for another week giving it the paper bag treatment. Just over 16oz but I expect to lose up to 4oz with the cure. If I end up with 12oz off 5 plants I will be very happy with this experiment:mrgreen:

I will post final weight after cure in about 7 days, thanks to everyone who followed:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Well done bill wicked job that mate!!..................whats the flowerin time ment to be on um all? i no you got a few diff but 8weeks is quick mate, would you say they finished quicker?
Could be good for 10+ week flowerin strains mate
That massive buds quality mate :)


Well-Known Member
I think they finished just a little quicker Pukka, but not that much. I think the yield was ok. Ive got another light experiment lined up. Watch this space