Superthrive dosage?


Ok i bought some Superthrive today at my garden centre and i live in the U.K so the measurements are useless to me lol
What measurements am i supposed to be using and at what stages?..Im confused
Also do i just add it to my normal nutrient solution?....

I usally use:
Ionics soil grow/bloom
Liquid Oxygen
Guardien angel
and obviously Ph Down

and also am i using too many additives?

Cheers, Phatman


Well-Known Member
Get any sort of an online conversion tool. Do the math, it says what to do right on the bottle. It will take some thinking on your part, but im sure if your growing you will be able to handle such a big boy responsibility without someone holding your hand.


Well-Known Member
I use 1ml per gal throughout the grow. I stop using it around 3-4 weeks of flower.



No need to be harsh with me chain.. but thanks :)
Thanks t0rn

What are people opinions on the other nutes i use?


Active Member
i use 1 drop per gallon(aprox 4 liter)..i use it from start to finish in soil grows...never really used it in not to many additives.


Well-Known Member
I use 1ml per gal throughout the grow. I stop using it around 3-4 weeks of flower.

giving you correct answer. NONE DURINg FLOWER IT WILL STUNT GROWTH! if your looking for hormone suppliment for flower try seaweed extract or alpha alpha in your compost tea


Active Member
giving you correct answer. None during flower it will stunt growth! If your looking for hormone suppliment for flower try seaweed extract or alpha alpha in your compost tea
interesting , ive never heard this before, i always get decent yield usually 3 to 4 ounces plus, per3 foot plant....what is the process that causes this suspected slow down of bud production

kbo ca

Active Member
yeah no superthrive late in flower. i don't use it in flower at all, only during transplant


Well-Known Member
"It contains ".09% vitamin B1, .048% 1-Napthyl acetic acid",[1]."

"NAA is a plant hormone in the auxin family and is an ingredient in many commercial plant rooting horticultural products; it is a rooting agent and used for the vegetative propagation of plants from stem and leaf cutting. It is also used for plant tissue culture.[2]

The hormone 1-Naphthyl acetic acid (NAA) does not occur naturally. Under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), products containing NAA require registration with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as pesticides."

and in case you don't know what auxin family is...

"Auxins promote stem elongation, inhibit growth of lateral buds (maintains apical dominance). They are produced in the stem, buds, and root tips. Example: Indole Acetic Acid (IA). Auxin is a plant hormone produced in the stem tip that promotes cell elongation. Auxin moves to the darker side of the plant, causing the cells there to grow larger than corresponding cells on the lighter side of the plant. This produces a curving of the plant stem tip toward the light, a plant movement known as phototropism.

Auxin also plays a role in maintaining apical dominance. Most plants have lateral (sometimes called axillary) buds located at nodes (where leaves attach to the stem). Buds are embryonic meristems maintained in a dormant state. Auxin maintains this dormancy. As long as sufficient auxin is produced by the apical meristem, the lateral buds remain dormant. If the apex of the shoot is removed (by a browsing animal or a scientist), the auxin is no longer produced. This will cause the lateral buds to break their dormancy and begin to grow. In effect, the plant becomes bushier. When a gardener trims a hedge, they are applying apical dominance. "

This is why you don't use it in flower. Wiki quotes ftw.


I actually bought it to help my cloning requirments but was afraid to use it..I was just gonna put a couple of drops in my spray bottle
80% of my cutting have taken root now.. so when i transplant i will use it in my normal mix

Cheers for headsup guys and looks like there is a little preference when to stop using by some people but ill stop using it at flower time i think just to be on the safe side of things

Cheers, Phatman


So why do a lot of people use this then?... I dont understand?!? do i or dont i use it?
If i do it cant hurt right?


Well-Known Member
Your going to get as many answers on whether to use it or not, and the recommended dosages people use have as many variables. i still only use 1-3 drops a gallon, depending on how i feel that day. I dont use it during flower at all. Still not even sure if it does anything. sometimes I use it on clones, sometimes not. either way a small bottle will last you a long ass time. so it always looks impressive to have a shelf full of stuff.