I don't login very often but for such a misinformed post I feel like I have to comment

Superthrive's active ingredients are Vit B1 & 1-Napthyl acetic acid. NAA won't really do much when used as a foliar spray. I have read it can improve chlorophyll in the leafs and the protein content in seeds in cannabis. I have also read that growers have used NAA to promote fruit setting in SOME plants. I wouldn't recommend using auxin's in the first three weeks of flower as it's also responsible for cell elongation and you can end up with some tall, lanky plants

Vitamin B1 however is produced in the foliage of plants and transported down to the root system where it has an effect on root growth and development. Vitamin B1 is in most foliar feed solutions on the market today
More info ? Here's some further reading
Hello, my name is Joe. I'm new to Cannabis Culture internet forums. You're pose not only inspired me to log In. I actually finally made an account. I just wanted to so badly add that I have personally tried this during my plants Growth phase. It does yield results. Although you are correct about auxin use, and I would like to add that 'playing' with plant hormones can be so complicated. I would also like to add that a plethora of compounds are produced in the foliage and transported down to the roots. This is also true for a mix of hormones that effect Root growth. "Rooting hormones" and all hormones usually have secondary effects, when the levels of the plants other hormones are considered.
ANYONE trying this without a little bit of fulvic acid Say 150ppm. The fulvic acid allows the VitB and all kinds of minerals to absorb directly into the Cells of the plant.
Also I would only add maybe 100-200ppm of SuperThrive. (That's if I was going to use this stuff.)
** I am not a plant scientist or soil scientist. I went to Lawrence Technological University for Electrical Engineering. A private school here in Michigan. After college, I became fascinated with the Angelic design of plants, and life in general. Over the years Iv learned A lot, but here is a direct word to the wise for everyone else reading.
1)If you have a lot of Investment in your garden, and this crop has to be one of your crops to start returning on that investment. Then my advise is to let the plant make it's own hormones. Because you could end up with some undesired results. My other advice to you is to not use Thrive for this. But to instead just use the Fulvic with some Kelp extract. (Of course yucca) (TRUST ME, that's how I currently do it. 1 time a week, untill flowers appear
FOR THOSE WHO ARE TRYING TO UNDERSTAND EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF THESE PLANTS REGARDLESS OF AN INVESTMENT. Then Rock on my Grow brothers! Education is right around the corner for you. Hormones can be tricky, but follow someone's Tek, that will be a good starting point for you. Check out SST, FPJ, Pre Malted Grains. Aloe vera, willow, Etc. Some really cool results can be achieved. Can be hit or miss tho depending on strain and Nuts and development stage and current stress levels, aka drought and infestations, temperature, Etc.
Any way, I'm probably wrong about it all... Lol