Supper cropping vs topping vs scrog

So basically I am trying to figure out which of these techniques is best to use.. now i understand that you can top and or supper crop with using a scrog setup, but would it then be necessary? I thought the point of a scrog would be to acheive the same goals that one is looking for when cropping? And as far as I am reading suppoer cropping and topping will do just about the same thing for your yeild. Just looking for some input from people who have experience with these methods and what they found to work best for them.

much love and thanks


Active Member
All of them with a flamethrower. No but in my opinion, I like supercropping and scrog the best. I feel like topping is unneeded stress. The same thing can be done with LST, just not as much stress.
right and LST was another thing i was debating with, it just seems to be a matter of preferrence or maybe what works with the specific strain..
thanks for the input


Active Member
Imo grow a few of the same strain, see what method works for you, best you can do. Its all about preference, how you want your plant to react, look, act.


Active Member
im now doing a couple of mine with LST then im gonna scrog them so bit of both never don it befor i always used to top them it is all good and fun tbh :D


Active Member
I like opens up areas so the light can penetrate the little fellows which result in more and bigger buds. Peace!
LST is low stress training, its used to bend the stalks of the plants to make them grow different dirrections other then straight up, also with LST iv seen people use fishing weights and spread them out around the plant to keep it smaller ( not sure how effective this is but seems logical, never tried it) a scrog setup is where you have the screen type thing over the plant but hey man YOUTUBE is your friend in this case..


I have had great results supercropping the last 3 strains I have grown. It is easy and no adjustments like LST plus it causes massive side growth plus an fairly even canapy


Active Member
Well under a scrog you might eventually end up using all of these techniques.
Top, FIM, LST, Squish and Bend, the whole arsenal :D


Well-Known Member
I use all 3. I top them when they are young and when they hit the screen I super crop them and then just fill the screen and flower.


Well-Known Member
I think alot of it is determined by the strain that you are growing. That and what your personal style preference is. I'm growing 3 different strains right now and all for the first time. One of the 3 strains responded really well to being topped just 1 time. The others seemed like they were stunted a little more from the topping process. I've only tried super cropping one time, but I liked the results from it. I like my plants to be fairly short and bushy. That's why I have always topped my plants, but I can't say that topping is better than LST'ing or vice versa. It's all personal preference. I suggest you give them all a try, and use them in conjunction with each other and find what style suits you, your strain, and space requirments best.