Supplemental Foilage Feeding?


Active Member
I have been using 'Bud Candy' for my regular neut now that I am in the Bud phase:roll: but I do have some Tiger Bloom and was just wondering if I should supplemental foliage feeding with the TB. It calls for 1/2 Tea spoon per gallon so I figured I would use 1/2 of that in a spray bottle (after of course measuring the bottle out of a gallon) but am not sure if it is even a good idea as it may be over-feeding since I am already using the TB every 4 days or so when I water?

newb weed grower

Active Member
hmm if ur feeding by root and foliar
u could dial down how much u put in a gallon say half wat it sais
then see how it reacts
wait for someone better then me to tell u somethign tho dont take my advice till its been backed up by someone who has been here awhile

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Spraying the plants helps keep root growth down. The more they absorb through the foliage, the less they reach out roots for. Foliar feeding is usually done at about 1/4 normal fertilizer strength. Just like normal fertilizations, foliar feeds should be alternated with plain water. There can be problems foliar feeding in late flowering, as the solution can bunch up in the bud crevices and burn in little spots. The foliar feed strength should be almost cut in half when spraying flowers, or just avoided entirely. It should be stopped awhile before harvest, giving time for a few plain water sprays to clean the buds off.

Maxicrop soluble seaweed powder (1-0-4) works well as a foliar feed.

newb weed grower

Active Member
sounds like the info i was told about foliar feeding
then some
i didnt think it was a good idea for my seedligns
but i bet for a bigger plant it would do great